09-08-2004, 09:53 PM
Vicious Wrote:All you geeks should stop harassing the poor girl then. :eek:
don't try and play the hero, your the one who wont leave her alone about getting a boob shot
Vicious Wrote:All you geeks should stop harassing the poor girl then. :eek:
Homeless Joe Wrote:don't try and play the hero, your the one who wont leave her alone about getting a boob shot
Homeless Joe Wrote:you'd be first, lol
Vicious Wrote:Trust me. You don't even want to begin to know what guys use their imaginations for.
kakomu Wrote:so you want a doll as a wife? Right.
gohan32 Wrote:Holy crap, that's what i was thinking when i first started reading Andromeda's postsPoor young woman, dealing with harassment from internet geeks.
ladysilverice Wrote:And now's when Vicious responds back with something like "I never considered you in that category anyways." :p
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Try attending a school where 90% of the people there are of the opposite sex, you'll see what real harassment's like.Wow! That's gotta be weird the first couple of weeks.. but I'm sure you get used to it. Do you and your boyfriend go to the same school? I went to Notre Dame.. the name is enough to give away it's a Catholic school and they have the weirdest rules there! Sunday - Thursday nights all guys must be out of the girls' dorm by midnight and can't be allowed back in the girls' dorm til 9am. Friday and Saturday night, it's 2am curfew. I should have known they would have a rule like that since it's a Catholic school, I was just shocked! Oh and if they catch a member of the opposite sex in your dorm, it is a huge deal.. they call up your parents, and you have to go to ResLife, or serve community service. My roommate's brother got kicked out of campus because of that. It was so silly too.. he slept on the girl's futon and was just hanging out. Too bad he had to go pee in the middle of the night and got caught.. he should have just gone in the sink.
Homeless Joe Wrote:i'd rather just get a place of my own and not have to deal with all that bullshit.Exactly! Which is why so many upperclassmen move out off campus. Going off campus was one of the best decisions ever. There's also this rule that all freshmen have to live on campus their first year.. don't know why actually. If my house was near school and I needed to save money, I'd be mad they were forcing me to stay on campus. For supposedly Catholic/giving community, there have been a lot of messed up stories on how students were treated. But all in all, I had a great time in college.
morgorath Wrote:Let's just say he turned a blind eye to my late night company.I know so many who would have paid for that power
Nina182B Wrote:Wow! That's gotta be weird the first couple of weeks.. but I'm sure you get used to it. Do you and your boyfriend go to the same school? I went to Notre Dame.. the name is enough to give away it's a Catholic school and they have the weirdest rules there! Sunday - Thursday nights all guys must be out of the girls' dorm by midnight and can't be allowed back in the girls' dorm til 9am. Friday and Saturday night, it's 2am curfew. I should have known they would have a rule like that since it's a Catholic school, I was just shocked! Oh and if they catch a member of the opposite sex in your dorm, it is a huge deal.. they call up your parents, and you have to go to ResLife, or serve community service. My roommate's brother got kicked out of campus because of that. It was so silly too.. he slept on the girl's futon and was just hanging out. Too bad he had to go pee in the middle of the night and got caught.. he should have just gone in the sink.