ladysilverice Wrote:A mouse is the most horrible thing in the world to draw with and I will probably re-do that one when my new tablet comes in.
I actually just started watching Wolf's Rain just recently and then you posted again somewhere and it hit me like a brick wall that your avatar and banner were Blue. >_< I felt so smart! 
Hurray, you get a cookie!

r00ster Wrote:Hurray, you get a cookie! 
mmmmmm...... cookies

r00ster Wrote:Hurray, you get a cookie! 
Yay! Cookies!
I JUST GOT MY NEW TABLET IN THE MAIL TODAY!!! NO MORE DRAWING WITH A MOUSE!!! *does the happy "I have a tablet dance"*
how much do these tablet thingys cost? :confused:
Last Exile Wrote:im taking a 3D animation class this semseter and this was my first project the other day i got a lot of wow's for the textures i used for the floor and walls they loved it for some reason. also helped everyone they were making the leggs for the table and couldnt seem to make them all the same size i told them to make one good one and copy and past it till you have 4 of the same on each side. it was so funny they were there for an hour just doing the leggs.
here is some of my work so far.
Ok, that's just nice!!! The only problem I see with copying the legs is the bottom white ball needs to be reversed on one of them so they both don't point the same way... laugh... they all need to be pointing on the outside of the leg. Man.. that's just nice... apple's a little on the plump side... lol.. nice texture on the glass stuff... nice shading.. nice blending... nice...
Oh, ladysilverice, congrats on the tablet, I always thought I'd like to do that one of these days, then figured just like everything else, it would just sit there collecting dust cause I wouldn't want to devote the time to do it well... not like I don't have the time... laugh...
yeah i screwed up on the ball on the bottom it was cause i was helping so many people i lost my place and how to center it on the bottom. i fixed it after these were saved. also the ball wasent attatched to the leg i had to do that the legs are fine, just that ball on the bottom. our next project is to build that 20th century fox logo from movies and shows with the searchlights. that might be hard for a lot of people that are just picking this up.
new 3d project i did today i didnt get that far but it looks good so far.
This is from Ashita no Joe. The very ending.
I meant to post more, but imagechack wont load properly. Next time I'm online Ill try it again. But for now, heres Vash.
Heres something new and exciting. A trading card I designed for an Art Project.
I drew one, but I still have nine more :eek:
Its Kakashi if anyone if wondering
Here's my most recent picture... Sesshoumaru.

I love drawing him!
Very nice pictures all you guys!! Love Sesshoumaru ladysilverice!! Keep up the good work everyone!!
ladysilverice Wrote:Here's my most recent picture... Sesshoumaru.
I love drawing him!
Hey!!! I don't even have this one yet!!! What happened to sharing your artwork with your best friend?!?!?! Looks good though, you are getting better with the small details.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:Hey!!! I don't even have this one yet!!! What happened to sharing your artwork with your best friend?!?!?! Looks good though, you are getting better with the small details.
Oh dear... I thought I sent you this one...? :o My apologies! I'll send you a larger version next time I'm on email along with my latest piece! I promise!