09-08-2004, 06:13 AM
JingRoyale Wrote:Hey. I need something new to draw, send me some ideas of anime characters to draw. Just tell me someone to draw or send me a cool pic.
Vicious from Bebop.

JingRoyale Wrote:Hey. I need something new to draw, send me some ideas of anime characters to draw. Just tell me someone to draw or send me a cool pic.
gizmo Wrote:I thought I'd share these.....
Please don't yell at me that they look similar to the actual images I used for them. I like to look at things and draw. My favorite has to be Rei from Eva. I really like coloring in colored pencil, it just takes such a long time.
ladysilverice Wrote:What medium did you use to color those? That's absolutely beautiful. It looks like colored pencils, but you blended the colors so wonderfully. It looks so professional!
Last Exile Wrote:Sketched this a few mins ago. its a first for me trying to draw Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist. the only thing i think looks weird are the eyes the pic i was using as a reference had them pictured weird.
tell me what you think. im going to post another when im done shading japanese style with color pencil they usual shade with diffrent colors to help show what needs shadow, im going to try this for the first time.
Last Exile Wrote:yeah i just need more practice on the face in general also drawing lightly so i dont leave dark lines i cant erase. im great at coping images from tv and magazines i can make small pictures larger when i draw. I DONT TRACE anything i just use the pics for reference i need to practice fluid movements im so set on being perfet at all the lines i draw i end up screwing up alot i need to learn to just let it flow.
you had some great drawings. also rooster.
thanks for the help.