Just wondering how often do u guys shop online?
I have some friends who refuse to shop online.
Some of the reasons they gave me:
1. Online fraud
2. Exposing yourself to the unknown eg. invisible companies analysing your spending behaviours
3. Might just receive misrepresented products.
I buy more stuff online than I do at regular B&M stores. I hate going shopping at stores because I always find more and more stuff I want. And I tend to waste alot of money that way. So I tend to stay out of malls if I can.
I shop online ehhhh 85-90% of the time. Sheesh, I'm just super lazy. More often than not, I find all the stuffs I need online.
The remaining of the times, if I do go physically to the mall, it has to do with authencities of the items I want to purchase or grocery shoppings. I'm not going to pay $1000 for an item online and find out that it's a replica. :p

I window-shop in the 'real world', basically spend lots of time checking out anything and everything thats good - whether it is clothes, games, movies etc etc. Then I take note of what I wanna get (in my head) and always find it cheaper on the net and in catalogues

I also shop online most of the time. There's a wider variety of products and better prices.
Yes, there's a risk but if you take care everything should be fine. Besides, there are also risks when you shop in a store.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:there are also risks when you shop in a store.
Eh....u trying to tell me that the LV bag i got from the LV boutique could be a fake???? :eek:

No, but I'm saying that if you pay with a credit card you're taking some risks as well.
Yeah...identity theft is a PITA. My friend got into trouble with DVDPacific's credit theft incident last month. She's charged about $400-$500 for stuffs she never bought.
However, I still do think that paying via a credit card is much secure than paying with a debit card. At least I know that the credit card company I'm with offers 100% fraud protection.
Gonna lurk and go back to online shopping.......
Just out of curiosity, how much did you pay for the LV bag?
Eh.......actually i don't really remember but here's approximately:
Excluding tax:
Papillon 30 Vachetta: $700 (gave it to my sis for her b-day present, she has the receipt)
Soufflot : $870
.....o_0 and I thought I spent a lot of money on accessories
I tend to spend more when I'm in a lousy mood.
Fraud can happen in real shops too. As long as you are aware and have some common sense you should be ok. Bigger purchases of course, warrant closer scrutiny and buying in a real shop is probably much safer.
Without online shopping... my quality of life would really plummet.. so many goodies i could not get! I've even done grocery shopping online before when i could not get to a store.
Only for DVD-Rs, DVDs (HK and R1). That's about it. I did purchase some manga recently but most of my manga come from brick and mortar stores.
My, my, the cost of one of those handbags is more than what an engineer from my native country makes in a month.
matthewmalay Wrote:My, my, the cost of one of those handbags is more than what an engineer from my native country makes in a month.
I thought they earn more than that in Malaysia? :p
Bah......think that day I was in a foul mood........ended up getting 2 instead of 1. My sis got lucky.