Well i at other sites they have awards like for video games and so on. so i was thinking maybe we should start a weekly Anime awards topic. you know have a weekly poll and see what everyone likes or dislike's ?
so anyone think we should do this ?
ill start off this week if anyone is interested in this.
Best Anime Soundtrack :
vote and then tell why, ill start a poll so vote and then post what you voted for.
choices :
-Cowboy Bebop
-Neon Genesis Evangelion
-Wolfs Rain
-Last Exile
-Love Hina
Cowboy Bebop. Yoko Kanno can't be beat.
i agree.
Cowboy bebop
also she has done some others on the list :
-Wolfs Rain
My vote goes to .hack//sign. I'm a huge fan of Ms. Kajiura's music, and .hack//sign contains some of her best work. My second choice would be Cowboy Bebop though. Both series contain musical scores that I feel are exemplary.
However, Ms. Kanno's career in recently seems to be winding down, while Ms. Kajiura's career appears to be soaring at the moment.
Jiro Komyoji Wrote:Cowboy Bebop. Yoko Kanno can't ve beat.
same. my vote goes to bebop.
im somewhat partial to flcl as well....but overall bebop
FLCL! The pillows are awesome!
I also like Wolf's Rain just for the ending song "gravity", but my vote goes for FLCL.
You should throw Yuki Kajiura's 'NOIR' soundtracks in there as well...
The 'FLCL' soundtracks are nothing but recycled music used from previously released Pillows albums. None of their music was made specifically for the series.
Anyway, my vote from the given choices would no doubt go for 'Vision of Escaflowne'...
Quote:i was thinking maybe we should start a weekly Anime awards topic
And what award will we give the winners? A cyber trophy?
Anyway, I would vote but it appears that Noir is not on there.

Omg, how can you guys not put Lain on there? That has an amazing soundtrack.
Lain did have an awesome soundtrack. Heck the ending theme was kick arse. I voted for FLCL as I really liked the fact a single band did the whole soundtrack.
yeh flcl wasn't bad either, but from this list - I picked Cowboy bebop, gotta love jazz
But Duvet from Lain, I loved it. I kept watching the intro for every episode just for the song.
FLCL all the way. Who cares if it wasn't made for the anime? It still is great stuff.
Yeah, FLCL and .hack come shortly after Bebop.
Electric Guitars and Bongos...I had to vote for Trigun!
this is our award or if some one can find something cooler.
i didnt add noir or lain cause they both didnt have great allround soundtracks. noir i hated with a passion worst show ever good theme, lain had a great theme and that was about it no real memorable songs.