Vicious, I thank you.That is sweet of you to say.However, I dont think think that you will get bad feedback eaither.You make pretty good points in discussions.

you'd be surprised, I got negative feedback for something that wasn't negative in the least.
Really bad feedback for something not bad at all how aweful.I am sorry, but did you get lots of good feedback too.I hope so.

When I started giving reputation points, I wasn't doing it based on a specific post someone wrote. If I know someone, I just clicked on them on the first post I saw and gave them my rating. I gave people ratings based on what I remembered they said overall. Maybe that's what happened to you kakomu. Since this is new, the majority of people are probably giving points based on how they know someone commented in the past. Hmmm.. that's what I've been doing and I think I've already used this system wrong since it's for mod's to see if someone is getting out of line in a specific topic.
Oh, and it's so funny reading about the comments people wrote. I didn't know people could see the comments I gave them and they probably thought it was cheesy. I was writing things like "I like so and so. He is a cool person."
Actually this isn't a system for mods to see about a post.. its an overall over time.. And i don't think i see anything wrong with what you are doing.. Because you are basing it over what you remembered and knew.. If you have a problem with a post then there is always the icon to report it to the mods.. Its the little Warning icon next to the scale..
I haven't been much better... in those regards...
Holy crap, this site has changed alot since 2 weeks ago. I lose my power and look at what happens. Some f the other boards I go to have this reputation system in effect and from what I see it's a waste of time. Almost everyone is at the "on the distiguished path" level and the whole system is almost compleatly ignored. But, then again, those boards are huge as crap and nobody care about you. Maybe it'll work better on a smaller forum like this one.
hmm, someone gave me more negative feedback for this thread...
ah arkaidr, the kitty's back.. damn it's so cute
hehe...I know, I know (Kitties in clothing = instant 1st base)
Schultz, is there a way to change the little note-pop-thingy so it won't say your name before your rating. I can think of some things if only the name wasn't there.
ArkaidR Wrote:hehe...I know, I know (Kitties in clothing = instant 1st base)
Schultz, is there a way to change the little note-pop-thingy so it won't say your name before your rating. I can think of some things if only the name wasn't there.
I don't know if i could change it or not.. I would have to problems edit the templates but it is probably feasable just gotta figure out where it is.
THREE negative feedback points for this thread alone!
That's a bit strange. :confused: I don't think you've said anything worth a negative feedback!
I was thinking the same thing.
It says I am off the scale. What does that mean?