Schultz Wrote:also if people can come up with some for anime related things then i wouldn't mind switching them.. hence the stupid ones for title's because i really suck at that type of things.. ;o)
The only thing I can think of is that you can use DBZ power levels. The last 3 or 4 should be pretty easy because you can use Super Saiyan and SS levels 2, 3, and 4. I assume for the rest of them you could use other people in there. Like the very first one that requires 10 posts could be Hercules/Mr. Satan and stuff like that. I can't really think of anything better at this point.
Nina, I don't like love. I'm Vicious . . . I'm the bad guy. Hate me damnit!!!!!

This new system seems like it will pose great entertainment of easily amused people such as myself

u can allways add assended saiyan for between stage 1 and 2, and then the super namek thing. Plus u can add stages like fused saiyan and stuff. Just a thought
so is that little green square going to stay the same or is it going to grow when we get more good reputation points ?
yeah i wondered that, u mean like change colours and stuff like the ebay rating stuff thing.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
That little green square is likely going to give birth to other little green squares.
or bigger purple squares.
im not ready to be a father . :eek:
I have been to alot of other forums and they have like diffrent growing ratings like stars or meters. would anyone like that on here or would we all be trying to get better then eachothers standings ?
Rep points don't matter to me. Just look at the join date and you can tell wether we have a good status...I've been here forever therefore I have a good rep.
i dont like that way of looking at stuff cause i was here before my join date and had problems and also i didnt join untill like 4 months after i started buying stuff . and also i dont think it matters how long you have been here it matters how good your posts are and what you can bring to the boards thats new and diffrent. not the smae old ive been here and i have heard this post before or been done thats all i hear from the older members .
not trying to put you down but im sicking of the stuff too but i dont say it i try and help the new members with there questions. thats all.
Last Exile Wrote:i dont like that way of looking at stuff cause i was here before my join date and had problems and also i didnt join untill like 4 months after i started buying stuff.
OMG, I didn't know that about you! You're cool in my books now.

I think you can have a value in the way that post counts and join dates matter. Look at people like Dark, Kakoi, Matthew, Vicoius, and Schultz... It shows if the visit the boards often and post often. I find that to be a least a starting point on how commited they are to the boards.
Vicious Wrote:The only thing I can think of is that you can use DBZ power levels. The last 3 or 4 should be pretty easy because you can use Super Saiyan and SS levels 2, 3, and 4. I assume for the rest of them you could use other people in there. Like the very first one that requires 10 posts could be Hercules/Mr. Satan and stuff like that. I can't really think of anything better at this point.
Nina, I don't like love. I'm Vicious . . . I'm the bad guy. Hate me damnit!!!!! 
I don't know i think i would perfer it anime in general.. Not to dbz stuff.. or possibly switch up the animes etc..