I've been having a heated discussion about cars in different thread and I just stepped back for a moment and asked myself if I was inciting a flame war or just having a good healthy argument.
The irony of that debate is that I find myself defending one person that I typically don't care for against someone that I typically agree with.
So what is the difference between a Flame War and a Debate?
For one, I enjoy debates. They are typically supported with facts and have opinions acknowledged for what they are. I believe flame wars are more often when one opinion goes up against another opinion without any support and just starts name calling.
I believe that if forums were all about agreeing with each other on everything that it would be a pretty boring place. At the same time, if all anyone did was call each other names I wouldn't want to be here either.
What do other people think about the differences and/or merits of debate vs. flame war?
Most flame wars start with debates... Debates can be fun until it goes on and on and there is still no conclusion which then goes into a flame war which can be pretty funny to read unless they go on and on... So I guess the moral of the story is everything in moderation!
Quote:I believe that if forums were all about agreeing with each other on everything that it would be a pretty boring place. At the same time, if all anyone did was call each other names I wouldn't want to be here either.
A debate wouldn't be a debate if people agreed with each other so I guess that you don't need a flame war for a conversation to be interesting.
I find flame wars amusing but that's just it! Besides, they get boring after a while. A debate is, in my opinion, much better. They're interesting and intelligent.
Zagatto, I usually like I said last night if it feels like it could escalate to something more then a discusion I back away. I did see potential for it to turn into something like that last night. I try to avoid the threads that end up turning into arguements especially if it is just a general babble thread. I guess it is not worth it for me to get into arguements. Besides other then last nights thread you put alot of good stuff out their that I agree with for the most part
I find that when arguments go from attacks on ideas and principles to attacks on a person's character, that's when the flaming starts. In regards to the car thread discussion that's currently going on, I believe there is mostly just debate, though a few members have been flaming a bit.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
I find that when arguments go from attacks on ideas and principles to attacks on a person's character, that's when the flaming starts.
Yes. Don't you hate it when that happens? When people start attacking your character. Weird. Seems like I remember that happening somewhere recently. If only I could place my finger on it . . .

Yes...it does sound dauntingly familiar, doesn't it?
There are times when flaming is appropriate, and times when it's not.
Well I think the big reason I shy away from flame wars is this. I don't know you personally, you don't know me personally. We are both going to look pretty stupid taking jabs at each other when we know nothing about each other beyond what we type here
Yeh the worst is when all they can do is say "oooh in line 14 of your post you spelt 'the' as 'teh', ha ha dumbass"... You know there is no point when that starts happening...
Granted their is some posts here where I definately thought the person was full of it. But since I have no way of proving it one way or the other it would be pointless to throw an insult out there at all
I guess my philosophy on it is that everyone has their own opinion and is allowed to express it. But like everyone else has said, it becomes flaming when you start attacking the individual person. People need to know what is too far. Personally, I love a good intelligent debate, however, I also enjoy messing around with people and making fun of them as long as that person understands that I mean them no ill-will. My brother and I always start out emails to one another out with "Yo Jackass," or "Hey Bitch," we call each other that in person. He knows it's me on the phone when he picks up and I say "Hey fuckface." This is part of the reason I enjoy talking to Vicious. He understands that I'm not serious. But when you start saying things that really offend the other person with a malicious intent, then it becomes flaming.
Debate... it is something America was built upon. I have always been fond of open ended debates. It is the only way you truly understand your friends. When you choose to disagree but still except eaxh other's view is a great thing.
Now there is a differance between debating and being dumb. Look when you are discussing facts like, "What engine sizes where avilable in a car." there should be a right and wrong answer. Where in who is the better Super hero... that is left up to the person to put forth facts that wiegh in his decision.
Debate and arguement are two different things. I love debates, I have taken all kinds of Political Science and Phyc classes in college debating is rather good when everyone can back up their play. But what I see here is yes some of the flame starters do know what they are talking about, but there is ones who don't also who try to talk out of their rear. I always say I am not big on argueing but I sure love to drop info on someone that is factual and real that can shut a person up
i think every topic is like a flame war , everyone has there own oppinons so then it becomes a heated debate and then that is when the flames heat up. so if you post something you like then there is someone else that hates that thing.
so it is not possible to not have flaming in topics so there is no diffrence hell even this topic i bet is a flame war, with two sides to choose in this VS. match !
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile so it is not possible to not have flaming in topics so there is no diffrence hell even this topic i bet is a flame war, with two sides to choose in this VS. match !
LE... I'm trying to figure out what threads you've been reading lately and how you define a flame war. In the recent past I can only think of one thread that had a full blown flame war in it (and that happened to spread to a few other threads I'm afraid) and one other thread that has come close to being a flame war but has actually remained fairly civil for the most part.
I tend to read most of what goes on in this forum and for the most part we have a happy family here with the occasional fight between siblings. I believe a flame war is when two or more parties take a heated discussion and start attacking each other directly rather than discussing the actual topic.
But I'll be happy to take you up on that VS. match!