I think the reason Americans don't like nudity is cause we consider those places "private" not "public". :p I don't mind a little nudity here and there.
To be a little historian back in the dark ages women's hair was a "turn on". Some of the King Author stories deal with women letting down their hair into wells... (do you get it???):p
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
I think the reason Americans don't like nudity is cause we consider those places "private" not "public". :p I don't mind a little nudity here and there.
True! But seeing a breast isn't the end of the world!
So tsunami are you saying americans haven't moved forward much since Dark Ages era??? I just think that us here in the USA we no longer like to be a trend setter unless it is political bulling or flexing military might. And before anybody takes a anti american pop shots at me I served my 4 years active in the Navy
We do get Naked News in the US. We were watching it in the dorms earlier last semester.
One thing that absolutely pisses me off is that, for the most part, people are born with beautful bodies, (in America though, that can be debatable) but as an artist, it's considered pornography or pervertedness to draw it. I've had pieces up in my gallery that I've been flamed for that showed nudes and I was called some really nasty names for it. I was not happy at all, and I was really proud of those pieces too. The pieces were not perverted at all, but because they showed nudes, I became a porno artist, according to these radicals.
Ok here is my take on the whole Janet Jackson thing...
First let me say that is was wrong. Not for the reason you may think. I went to the Stratford Festival of Canada. They were doing a showing of Equus. Now this is a Greek drama/Freudian type show. But I remember clearly in the pamphlet they handed to us at the door. Was in bold black big enough the old lady who burnt herself at McDonald?s type could read. It said Caution this show contains Smoking and Nudity.
This is my point if ABC had told the viewers that their was going to be some nudity during the have time show of a Football game then I wouldn't have a problem. This is a sport I will share with my children one day. And I don't think I should be surprised by one performers little inspiration. It is like Howard Stern I know what his show is going to contain so if I don't like it I turn the station. The Super Bowl was different there was no warning, there was no before hand mention of such act. It just happened and that is why it was wrong.
Hell if they had told me before hand I would have taped the half time show.
We don't live in a Tella Tuby world things can be cruel and not nice, Sex does happen and so does war famine ect. I have never liked how american culture has been trained to just turn the TV off if you don't want to know about people dieing in another country or that what we do here walks on anothers rights. In some aspect we have the greatest country in the world, But socially and ethithly we are very behind some cultures People are what we are. Do we really need the world censored for us. It desensitizes us to things
Mantis, I wasn't saying Americans are in the dark ages..... I'm American too.

What I was trying to say is that there are standards that people put up on stuff like how nude you can be and what is considered erotic.
I don't mind naked paintings.... it takes skill to sit there and draw a naked person. As a question were those pieces put in the view of minors? (not that it really matters.)
True but some people can't tell the difference for example between pornographic nudes and artistic. Where does the line get drawn that people have the right to tell us what is OK to do, say, see ect and where you have the choice yourself. We really don't have that choice as much as we think here in the USA
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
We don't live in a Tella Tuby world things can be cruel and not nice, Sex does happen and so does war famine ect. I have never liked how american culture has been trained to just turn the TV off if you don't want to know about people dieing in another country or that what we do here walks on anothers rights. In some aspect we have the greatest country in the world, But socially and ethithly we are very behind some cultures People are what we are. Do we really need the world censored for us. It desensitizes us to things
After the 11th of September I watched a show on tv where many American college students (mostly from NY) said the tragic incident had opened their eyes. They were so shocked (who wasn't?!!

) they began watching European tv channels in order to understand why it had happened, because American tv channels didn't really show them what was going on in the world.
I believe you're right about censorship Mantis421, the harsh reality of the world shouldn't be kept away from anybody.
Morg, I think you are partly right but I don't see what's the problem with children seeing breasts. It's not like they're going to turn into perverted adults or be traumatized because of that. They are innocent, aren't they? It's us adults that see everything as beeing bad, not them!
Just because Sept 11 happened doesent mean our leaders should take it as reasoning to censor things that they feel our fragil minds can't handle. We should at least get to see what our leaders are doing that might be rubbing other countries so wrong. Let the people decide if it is right or wrong, not a group of old, rich white men who have their own agenda's
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Just because Sept 11 happened doesent mean our leaders should take it as reasoning to censor things that they feel our fragil minds can't handle.
It really pissed me off when Viz decided not to publish a particular chapter of Steam Detectives because it was about terrorism.
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
True but some people can't tell the difference for example between pornographic nudes and artistic. Where does the line get drawn that people have the right to tell us what is OK to do, say, see ect and where you have the choice yourself. We really don't have that choice as much as we think here in the USA
No one has the right to tell you what is okay to do, say, see, etc. That is a personal choice. There are laws you must abide but it's still your choice to do so or not. When it comes to nudity what is pornographic to some isn't to others. For instance, I don't think Playboy is a porn magazine, but many people do. It's because people perceive things differently that we shouldn't be telling each other what to do. Guidance should be provided but there isn't such a thing as absolute truth.
That is true Andromeda, but unfortunately since Sept 11 everybody from Government, to religion feel they need to do what it takes to make our country safer and to them that means banning certain things. governmental countrol of the press and media to not cause panic ect ect we really don't have full free right right now. All because they have this War on Terrorism. Bush's father said it best when he was president to what direction we are going. "We are going to create a New World Order"
Pappa Bush was one of the SKULLS when he was in college too. It's mentioned in one of his books. Ideas of NWO is probably why G W is such a tard.