I worked at McDonalds when I was 13, made really shitty money and couldn't work more than 15 hours per week, but it was a job.
you have to get your parents permssion or some sh*t!! :twisted:
I kind of have a job lined up for when I'm 14 which won't be until next year. But, if you count writing as more than a hobbie I have a job! (But, I won't have a chance of being published for two or three more years. To lazy to make a second draft, so I have to pace myself!)
Maybe you could write articles for Playboy or Penthouse, they let anyone write for them!!!

I read the articles..........after the rest of the magazine has gotten a thorough inspection.
I've thought of summiting to a magizine before but; one, my writing isn't good enough; two, I don't read magizines.
Read, it's fun.
Do subtitles count? :mrgreen:
Yeah, in school, when told to read a book I think they should count subs as reading matterial.
Really I think you should be able to pass any class, if you can watch the Yu Yu Hakusho TV series in one sitting, with shitty engrish subs.
I really wish they would redo those subs, or do a english rip
The R1's are expensive. Talk to your Rental store to pick them up. My rental store takes requests. I haven't been down in a while but I requested Macross. They have all of the Kenshin R1's so far.
I don't rent. Don't ask why, but I don't.
Then you can copy the movie afterward. Duh!!!!
So is HK DVDs. But I don't hear you complaining. heh heh
I don't really say much because it's my only source of anime, although on some levels I'm torn at the fact, not only of own illegal dvds, but at ripping off the creator. But, then I drown my thoughts in anime & forgot I had them :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: !