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ATARI LYNX!!!! The handheld that you could flip and play if you were left handed! That thing died within a year too I believe.
Well I have recently had my eyes opened to a system that I had never been aware of when it had its run PC engine. E-Bay has a whole section on it. Anybody have a guess how long the N-Gage really will last??
N-Gage??? Whassat???:p :p :p Wink Wink Wink
One of my friends has a N-Gage, I have seen up close. it is nothing but a gameboy/ game grear on steroids its not all that special and the price is enough to scare alot of people away
That thing, even the new one where you don't disassemble it, is a piece of trash. ANy sucker who got one deserves something that worhtless.
Surprisingly as much as I go for the clasic game systems and games I was playing some 4 player deathmatch Halo at a freinds house last night. I hate getting shot in the back in that game
If you hate getting shot in the back don't look at unreal or quake 3 arena.^^ Does Halo have telefrag??

I wonder how the DS will do? Do you think it will be like the N-Crap? I bet the PSP is going to be worth it but then again DS will still be cart as I recall. If PSP is going to use disc then scratches are going to be a prob seeing as it is hand-held.
This was only the 3rd time I had played Halo so I am very much in the learning stage of how to play the game I did like getting in the tanks and being partially hidden behind rocks . As far as the hand helds go. The one I liked the most and I still have one is the Neo Geo Pocket. It has some kick ass games on it
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
(the parent company for both companies is TEC... the Tokyo Electric Company).

there is a small compony in my village with the same name, TEC, they are a small computor store, part from TEC for them means, TURTLE and ELEPHANT CONPONY
I was thinking about the Neo Geo and its icon the only games I could think of for it as its icon posibly were Metal Slug, King of Fighters and Puzzle Bobble
final fantasy 7
What about FF7 ???
It took a while to remember but Bomber Man was Neo Geo's icon character. They did 3-4 games and even featured the little guy with the Neo Geo logo in some of their Arcade games before the games intro screen
Actually I feel that Sony doesn't have a particular character that can considered an exclusive icon. But that is what impresses me about Sony to begin with, since they're able to successfully maintain a video game system market WITHOUT very few first-party software. Not many systems do that these days. They proved to me that a modern system can is capable of relying on purely third-party support, thus you don't have to be a good game producer to make a good system. Just a good businessman who knows to keep good relations with both consumers and third-party software developers.

I know Sony own several companies that make games, including Polyphony (makers of Gran Turismo) and Contrail (makers of Legend of Legaia), and that they do have a department that do occasionally produce games (with Wild Arms series of games being some of them). But for the most part, Sony does rely very heavily and successfully on third-party support.

Twisted Metal
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