I always played my Game Boy with the sound turned off to prolong the life of my batteries so I never got any of those tunes stuck in my head.
Besides... I was playing Tetris back in '87 on my C64 on a bootleg from England... That game is one of the most addictive I've ever played.
If anyone ever gets a chance to play Tetris Battle Gaiden on the Super Famicom I highly recommend it. It's easily my fave version of Tetris yet (although I do enjoy Tetris Attack and Tetris 2 nearly as much).
Super Famicom now their is a blast from the past. Some of our younger members might not remember the Famicom in its glory
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Tetris 2 was Dr. Mario without the cool viruses. Has anyone ever beaten the original Star Wars on NES??? I have it and have only made it out of the Death Star 2 times and never beat it, the X-Wing fight is soooo HARD!!! I never got past it.
I remember the Star Wars hame for the NES that game got pain in the rear hard near the end.
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
That game is as hard as a gay mans penis at a Boy George concert.
That was a picture I didn't need in my head Ahhhhh make it stop
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
That was uncalled for OSAMU...*cringes*
Sega Dreamcast is usually closely associated with Space Channel No. 5. I usually see pics of that girl with the pink hair whenever Dreamcast is mentioned in a book.
R.I.P. Dreamcast.

To me I always liked the Dreamcast, true alot of its early games were ones that had been slated for the 3DO like the title D . It just had some really cool games The panzer dragoon game for sure "Neo" was a wonderfully lush colorful game. Even that weird game were you raise the fish with the human face was weird but cool
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
In some ways, the Dreamcast was superior than the PS2. The PS2, despite all of its raw graphic power at the time of its introduction, had NO hardware texture compression nor anti-aliasing support, which the Dreamcast had both of. This is one mistake that Sony made, since most PS2 titles would have looked much better and crisper had there been both of the forementioned features. What was Sony thinking? I'm pretty sure they're kicking themselves now for having overlooked that.
The Dreamcast was an extremely well-built system, made of quality parts and components, unlike the PS2, which was made of very low-quality parts in order to keep manufacturing costs within reasonable limits. the DC was small in size, yet very sturdy. The thing was a tank, yet it looked much more attractive than the Xbox. Sure, the controller was a little weird, and the logo was not very imaginative, but the system itself was not to blame for its own demise. Rather, it was consumers' reluctance due to a lack of trust in Sega's commitment to their products, as well as Sony's introduction of the PS2 that drove the nail into the coffin. Sega had played their cards quite brilliantly with the Dreamcast, which had an enormous library for the years that it was on the market. They have Sony to thank for the DC's eventual demise.
RJ you are SOOO correct! The DC was the Best system still to this day as far as home consoles. I think the GC is ALMOST it's equal in quality. But the DC is still better in my opinion. Holy crap the sound it produced was AMAZING, The games were so LOUD and crisp! It loaded games super fast too and I never saw but one or two games get slow-down.
Bangaioh comes to mind. But onl;y cause it had about ooohhhh a BILLION things on screen at certain times. MAn BAngaioh is one of the best DC games ever!
I'm glad to see someone agrees, since the Dreamcast got a lot of flak from skeptics in every stage of its life on the market.
Just as a testament to how well it worked, I bought my DC second-hand from a friend of mine, who I know treats his games and systems in a not-so-friendly manner. This was about 3 years ago, and his system was the first version that was available on the market. To this day, the system still works like the day I bought it home. Fast, smooth, and awesome. I remember playing Grandia II on that system, as well as Skies of Arcadia. There may not have been a LOT of RPGs on the DC, but the many of ones that were made were damned good. Who would forget about Shenmue and Shenmue II? And Quake III was awesome, with textures, frame rate, and poly count, that rivaled even those found on higher-end systems today, thanks to texture compression. Which reminds me, I should continue playing Shenmue II sometime.
Another great thing about the DC was the fact that you didn't need a modchip or other hardware peripherals to play imports or back-ups. A boot-disc was all that was needed.
The Dream Cast was an awsome system for its day but here is some of the ironic history about it when the 3DO system folded they were in the late stages and had a working prototype for the 3DO II system when 3DO folded they sold the rights to the technology to SEGA which in turn retooled the look and Dream Cast was born. That was also Why alot of 3DO system titles showed up on the Dream Cast at first. Alot of the people who had worked for panasonic on the 3DO II ended up getting hired by SEGA So you could almost say it was the Panasonic Dream Cast
In the US, there's Night from Sega Saturn's Nights.
What's Japan's Saturn icon?
Sega did make a push with everbodies fav blue hedgehog
Did anyone else play Sambo di Amigo (or whatever that game with the maraccas is called)? That is one of the coolest Bemani games ever made for any system. I like that way more than the DDR series and it was only available for the DC.