08-13-2004, 01:56 AM
08-13-2004, 06:34 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
What really amuses me about this thread is that it's still going even though the original poster has vanished from sight long ago.
So true lol! I think nearly every threads like that latley...
08-13-2004, 06:18 PM
Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!
These threads just keep rolling along like the little engine that could. Quick, someone put a quarter on the tracks!
These threads just keep rolling along like the little engine that could. Quick, someone put a quarter on the tracks!
08-13-2004, 07:41 PM
Someone Kill this thread, make the clean kill
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
08-13-2004, 09:50 PM
Remember ALF? He's back...in POG form!
08-13-2004, 09:53 PM
Alf was cool but not as cool as McGuyver
08-13-2004, 09:58 PM
McGuyver Hmmmm I am not sure which series Richard Dean Anderson is more entertaining in McGuyver ver he could fix anything with a straw, a paperclip and some duct tape or SG-1 where he travels the universe and fights evil
08-13-2004, 10:24 PM
MacGuyver all the way! He once recreated a persons face for a murder with a manequin head...eraser tops...some putty...and a butter knife. NO JOKE!!!! THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!
08-13-2004, 10:28 PM
Makes me always feel I should of kept that jr Chemisty set
08-13-2004, 11:12 PM
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
MacGuyver all the way! He once recreated a persons face for a murder with a manequin head...eraser tops...some putty...and a butter knife. NO JOKE!!!! THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!
MacGuyver was awesome growing up. Especially when he used tanks full of crap to shoot accross rooms and knock down doors or blow stuff up. Ever since then i've always wanted to do that.

08-13-2004, 11:15 PM
MacGuyver was an awesome show! I watched it religiously when I was a kid. Thank goodness Spike TV is now re-airing MacGuyver eps everyday, after a two-hour Highlander marathon in the morning. BTW, I'm also a big fan of the Highlander TV series, even today I watch the episodes whenever they're aired on Spike.
08-14-2004, 04:15 AM
Highlander was a really good show. I never saw a bad episode. Good ol Duncan...cuttin heads off like a mad man!
08-14-2004, 05:07 AM
I'm getting flash backs to the days of Batz, WarAries, and The Pie with their run on nonsensical threads. This isn't a bad thing it's just been a while since a "non-thread" has gone on this long (unless you want to count a flame war going on in another thread).
I'm getting flash backs to the days of Batz, WarAries, and The Pie with their run on nonsensical threads. This isn't a bad thing it's just been a while since a "non-thread" has gone on this long (unless you want to count a flame war going on in another thread).
08-15-2004, 12:22 AM
Well if a thread is really going nowhere sometimes injecting a new subject into it ca give it new life, plus it saves the trouble of starting a new thread
08-15-2004, 08:47 AM
I saw a pic of that Em&Em panzy on ebaumsworld wearing an ALF t-shirt. Even the most worthless of humans can like ALF.
Here, click this link and scroll down...http://www.ebaumsworld.com/eminem.html
The shirt says "Hey NIce Underwear"...just goes to show that even the Heardiest of Tools loves ALF.
Here, click this link and scroll down...http://www.ebaumsworld.com/eminem.html
The shirt says "Hey NIce Underwear"...just goes to show that even the Heardiest of Tools loves ALF.