I have this problem, you see my so called friend gave me 3 dvds a while back ago. She said that I could have them and I said ok thanks. You see I got bored with them so I traded them away. and now she wants them back. What should I do? I mean she gave them to me and I guess I could do whatever i wanted to them. Was it a bad idea to trade them away when she said I could have them. By the way the dvds were Princess Mononoke R1 and Sakura Diaries Collection ADV. I don't think I was doing anything wrong, because she technically gave them to me and said I don't care do whatever you want. What do you people think I should do?:confused: :confused: :confused:
Hmm.. depends on how badly she wants them back. I would tell her what happened and see what she says. If she gets pissed, I would offer her something of mine instead or pay for a portion of it. I would feel really bad about trading them away but it's not your fault since she did say you can have them. You could also argue with her and say she gave them to you but that wouldn't feel right to me since she's a friend.
well she doesn't want them back that badly. She gave me Sakura Diaries because her parents doesn't allow her to watch stuff with nudity and stuff, she gave it away like it was nothing to her so I traded that away. But for princess mononoke, I guess I could buy her an hk of it with the english dub on it, she doesn't really care about if it is an R1 or not.
Thanks a lot Miss Nina182B I am very greatful that you answered my post, your comments helped me a lot ^_^
We're kinda in a little fight right now, and i have a feeling that she wants them back to get back at me.
Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
We're kinda in a little fight right now, and i have a feeling that she wants them back to get back at me.
Makes me think she has a crush on you :p
I hope she gets over it.l Is she planning on watching Sakura Diaries secretly?.. since her parents won't let her.
She asked me out before :eek: . But I said no because she wasn't my type. Everytime she watches anything that has nudity in it she would call it a HENTAI :eek: .
Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
Everytime she watches anything that has nudity in it she would call it a HENTAI :eek: .

That's hilarious!
I bet she "gave" you anime to try to win you over

Without knowing this person I would not be able to give advice concerning her, what she is like face to face I mean I would say go with your gutt feeling what you think is right.
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
You cant give something to someone and then ask for it back when you feel like... Unless you traded it like straight away or something... Just tell her you always trade stuff after you have it for a while.
Tell her to stop being an indian giver. She gave it to you and you did what you wanted with it. If she has a problem with that, then that's her problem and not yours. You don't like the girl anyways, so what do you care.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Tell her to stop being an indian giver.
What's an indian giver? Give but want it back later? :confused:
Ryoku, they are yours once they are given to you. Just tell her that. Tell her straight that she's a PITA.
Just remind her of what she said when she gave you them. It was for her own good anyway since her parents don't let her watch stuff like Sakura Diaries, so you were just saving her from getting into trouble by removing the temptation! You didn't want her to fall back into her old ways!

Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
What's an indian giver? Give but want it back later? :confused:
That what id like to know? considering im of Indian/Punjabi background!
never come across such a term???
oh and thats just EVIL giving something to someone then asking for it back just to spite you!
Ryoku Slayer i think you should just tell her what happened and if she is a bitch about it, then your better of not knowing her in the first place
Can't believe you guys have never heard of that term. Yes. It means someone that gives away something as a present or whatever and then asks for it back.
Ahh Vicious.... racial slur!!:mad: "indian giver" reffers to the native americans who were called "indians". The term became that because when the native americans "traded" Manhattan for some worthless beads and crap quality copper and found out they had been duped they wanted Manhattan back. (That's how I remember the term coming about.)
When I give away something I basically tell myself to kiss it goodbye cause I know it's not coming back. Tell her your willing to cut a deal if she starts getting pissy about it.