I recently had the misfortune of picking up the FF game for GameCube I was thinking Square can do no wrong with this title and the opening music and animation is amazing. Then the game starts I was very disappointed with this title. Was anybody here pleased with the game?
naaa, me and my mates played like 20 hours on 4 player and it was shit!
I am sure the multi player was good, but when you are use to single player RPG's and tht is what you are seeking the game does bite. Plus the game does have a certain lack of freedom to roam like in other RPG's
i played with 3 of my best mates and all we really did was fight. probably because i kept savaging all the items

I enjoyed it, this was the second Final Fantasy game I have enjoyed since 6, the other being tactics on the gameboy advance. Nothing in the world like yelling at your friens as to why they didn't heal the party on time!
ff6 is easily the peak of the series, ff7 was also pretty good but almost everything after that with the name attached has been utter shite, well ff tactics advance was decent but nothin on the playstation tactics
The idea of cooperative multiplayer for an FF RPG is great, though it's kind of stupid when you're forced to use GBA's as controllers for the second, third, and fourth players. I don't care what kind of benefits you get from using the GBA as a controller (separate screen info, etc), but there's reason why a person should be forced to get one if he wants to play multiplayer.
I bought it for the single player mode and then sold it after it got too repetive. I can see where it would be fun playing it multiplayer. I'm more of a solo gamer though, until I find good competition in a fighting game.

Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
ff6 is easily the peak of the series, ff7 was also pretty good but almost everything after that with the name attached has been utter shite, well ff tactics advance was decent but nothin on the playstation tactics
I actually enjoyed Tactics on the GBA more than the PS. After I got TG CID, I just lost interest in the game. FF7 to me was the game that made me stop playing Rpgs, I'm not just blaming it on the game(even though most of the blame goes to the story and lame characters I cared nothing about), but I think by the time it came out I grew out of the Rpg genre, and it seemed more like an interactive movie than a traditional Rpg. Now, for some reason I am interested in Advent Children.
Does anybody else think that the FF chain is past due to close up shop and Sqaure/Enix moves on to new original matterial?
they will never stop making Final Fantasty games, it sells and that's what they want
there should be a Final Fantasy Tactics game for GCN
Lets not forget even the Zelda games have gotten old and stale with age at times
I said was a preacher I never said I was a good one
I think as long as there is a demand for it they will still make them. I got tired of the FF games years ago, but hey that's when most of America went ape shit over Final Fantasy 7. So they may have ran the series into the ground, but as long as people still buy them, Square/Enix will still make them.
I guess video games and movies go hand in hand. Squeeze as much water out of a rock as you can.
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mantis421
[B]Lets not forget even the Zelda games have gotten old and stale with age at times
Woah whoah whoa, that is not true, cause come on, Majoras Mask, wasn't good at all, Wind Waker was better, therefore its defenitly improvment.