I know some of you are like older than me and have jobs and stuff( AKA Adult). What is it like? WHen I go to a grocery store, it looks pretty easy bagging stuff up and putting it in carts or pushing carts in or even scanning the food and taking money for it. I am only 14 years old an d I don't really know anything about life as an adult at all. Can some of you tell me what is it like to drive a car, going to work everyday, making money, etc. I would like to know

im 16 and cant wait to drive a car, its one of the things im looking forward to the most. bout gettingg a job i want one but can never seem to be bothered to apply for one.
Just got 48 days left before I can get a job at Disney. The pay isn't alot but, we get comps like crazy. Oh, I still haven't gotten my permit, just been to damn lazy to go to the DMV. Oh my god I was watch 'Tom and Jerry' and the cutest little kittens came up. I have a weakness for kittens if you haven't noticed.
I still want that kitty! Anyway im soon to no longer be a teenager when I hit 20 soon

I dont feel any older every birthday though so I bet when im 40 I will still feel 16! I guess age is an illusion... I never want to grow up!
I don't like being an adult

It sucks. I moved into a new apartment and there's lot of cleaning to do. Have to deal with the land lady who didn't put stuff in the place.. like I am missing cabinet shelves and a toilet tissue holder!! I am still worried about money, even though I have job -> this problem will probably never go away no matter how much money I make. I am worried about doing a good job at work. Pretty much sums up to me having less problems and was more carefree when I was a kid.
But all things have good and bad aspects.. I just got to move into a new apartment with my boyfriend. My parents can't nag me as much as they used to. Feels nice to buy things with your own money you made. And I actually enjoy cooking. It's time consuming but even more tastier to make things yourself.
What kind of job are you doing at disney ArkaidR?
Well I'm pretty much applying for everything, I really don't care as long as I get some cash out of it. I think they'll put as one of those line managers or a waiter.
id like to get a job in a car manufacturers design processes departmant, any manufacturer but ford.
Ahhhh... adulthood.
Every decade seems to have its own set of challenges and rewards.
My twentys were mostly about going to school and romance. I loved the freedom I had with my car and dealt with the lame jobs I held to pay my way through college. I also built up crazy amounts of debt during this time which I regret doing now that I'm a bit older.
Now I'm in my thirties and I'm more concerned about settling into a career that will support my wife and child while still allowing me time and income to enjoy my friends and hobbies. The joys of parenthood are greater than I could have imagined as are the responsibilities. Sometimes the pressure is enough to drive a person crazy but the moments of bliss more than make up for it.
I have to admit that I have some fond memories of childhood and appreciate not having had to worry about bills or what I have to cook for dinner during that time. But being an adult and being responsible for everything that happens to me is a great rush. I can choose to sit around and watch anime all day every day but that means that I wont have enough income to pay for my house and all the bills that go with it.
The more that I think about it the more I appreciate growing up.
And a quick search on surveys about aging show that as the majority of people age, they feel that the ideal age is older... up till the late fifties at which point most people agree their best years are behind them... usually in the fifties. Another trend shows that almost no one wants to go back and relive their twenties or teenage years over again.
I'm 21, I don't work, I don't live on my own... well, Ryoku Slayer to me being an adult is like being a kid with all the freedom in the world! :p
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I'm 21, I don't work, I don't live on my own... well, Ryoku Slayer to me being an adult is like being a kid with all the freedom in the world! :p
Wow, I feel older already

Being an adult sucks. All you get is BILLS, BILLS, BILLS. Even after you get every thing paid for and finally out of dept. There will be something new happen: truck breaks down, no jobs available, or a deer jumps out in front of you and mashes the front of your truck in. Maybe the deer just happens to me. Never mind, you might end up better at the adult thing then I am.

Deers are so scarey! How big was it? Is your truck totally ruined? Good thing you're okay.
mmaybe the same thing will happen like in the "no one knows" video