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And people wondered why Nintendo stuck with Carts for so long, and why nintendo went with a different 1.3 over regular DVD's. Hell I think nintendo is the only one not lossing major amouts of money to Pirates.
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
And people wondered why Nintendo stuck with Carts for so long, and why nintendo went with a different 1.3 over regular DVD's. Hell I think nintendo is the only one not lossing major amouts of money to Pirates.

Yeah, they did a smart thing there. I did hear of a possibility of connecting your pc to the GC and play games you downloaded through the web but that's to much hasle. Wonder how long they can keep it up since they must have much less storing place on the discs compared to sony and ms resulting in smaller games although i haven't noticed it in the current generation. How does nintendo do that anyway? Cram a game on 1,3 gigs while the others need much more room?

Thanks once again Andromeda. I'm going to try it out and if it is to difficult for me I can always look for a mod chip.
Swap Discs and Slide Card Rule! ive had mine for an age and for some games they dont work but there are fixes so check this out

ooooo eeer me scurvy heartys Wink
I only use my "swap discs + slide card" to play original games that aren't PAL. Games are on sale in the US much sooner than they are here, not to mention you lucky guys have a wider variety of games. I only play RPGs and since I love RPG's I need to have the original version and not some ugly backup. If it wasn't for the swap dics+slide card I wouldn't have been able to play FFX-2 International.
It's very easy to get a ps2 modded here because Portugal is a paradise for piracy but I can tell you that I've seen people having more trouble with mod chips than with the slide card. Also, if you use a slide card you won't void your warranty.

kakoi_sugoi_yama, here's a website that's selling the swap discs+slide card for a good price:
elcoholic - It is simple for a lot of games. Take GTA3 or GTA:VC those games are less than 800 megs a piece. That easily fits on the GC 1.3 disk. Now games like Simpsons it filled the disk full but comparing the gc game to the xbox version you see were the designers cut corners to save space. The graphics are duller and some things are missing. But take a game like Soul Calibur 2 it wasn't even 1 gig, but the designers made the GC version look the best of the three versions and had the one charcter every one wanted to play (Link). Theonly props the Gaming mags gave the other systems was the controller was better mapped out for those systems. And good companys like Capcom don't care about the lack of space they just use two disk and get the most out of it... Look at Resident Evil Zero for that.
Thank you Andromeda18_!
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I need to have the original version and not some ugly backup.

True thats why actually only bout 10% of my PS2 games are Backups and they are rips using Ripkits off my friends Games!

Not to mention i bought 14 PS2 games in Japan! some v good bargians aswell Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
elcoholic - It is simple for a lot of games. Take GTA3 or GTA:VC those games are less than 800 megs a piece. That easily fits on the GC 1.3 disk. Now games like Simpsons it filled the disk full but comparing the gc game to the xbox version you see were the designers cut corners to save space. The graphics are duller and some things are missing. But take a game like Soul Calibur 2 it wasn't even 1 gig, but the designers made the GC version look the best of the three versions and had the one charcter every one wanted to play (Link). Theonly props the Gaming mags gave the other systems was the controller was better mapped out for those systems. And good companys like Capcom don't care about the lack of space they just use two disk and get the most out of it... Look at Resident Evil Zero for that.
Yeah, it's too bad the GC has such a shitty controller. THIS is why there's not many fighting games on GC.
Yes but true Fighter fans don't even use a stander controller. They have an Arcade Stick. I personally use my X-Arcade controller that Schultz got me for X-mas a few years ago. That is the only way to play the games on any system.
fighting games get old real quick, now games like tales of symphonia keep me occupied for hours and hours. it's two disks also and the anime cut scenes are beautiful, but i've only played for a short amount of time.
It really depennds on whether you have worthy opponents to play against. My brother and I, being both asians, are quite adament about mastering a fighting game's mechanics and combo systems, to the point where combos are a natural thing, and the rivalry is quite strong. As a result, we're able to play fighting games for hours on end. Guilty Gear XX kept us busy for nearly half a year, and at the same time, while RPGs usually has one of us either watching or doing something elsewhere to prevent spoiling it for either of us. And even by myself, some fighting games have many secrets to unlock.

But don't get me wrong, I'm a huge RPG player as well, which is why I chose a PS2 over an Xbox or Gamecube. Lots of Japanese software support, such as RPGs, fighting games, and action games. Xbox and Gamecube lack these qualities, so it matters not how powerful it is. or how affordable it is.
Quote:originally posted by robojack
But don't get me wrong, I'm a huge RPG player as well, which is why I chose a PS2 over an Xbox or Gamecube. Lots of Japanese software support, such as RPGs, fighting games, and action games. Xbox and Gamecube lack these qualities, so it matters not how powerful it is. or how affordable it is.

i agree one hundred percent but try to convince the ignorant masses of it.

i'm sick and tired of hearing about halo, it isn't even that great of a fps(it has great graphics but that doesn't make a game fly for me, plus it uses a dull color pallet and i'm sick of seeing bland purples and greens i want more color detail. now give me golden eye or unreal tournament any day, those are great fps. Rareware knew what it was doing with golden eye, EA games completely botched the james bond series.

i did unlock everything in soul calibur 2, that took a large portion of my time(i wanted lizard man that bad).
Yeah, I agree, there's nothing like a game that lasts for 60 or 80 hours! The first time I played FFX-2 it took me 30 hours and I thought it wasn't long enough.
play baldur's gate 2 for PC i played it for 120 hours, now thats a long game!
I like games to be a max of 30hrs!!!

Ive got sooooo many games that its like and impossible task to complete esp the epics! AHHHHHH im like "the Collector" need to become the player and watcher of anime aswell coz i "collect more than watch" AHHHHHH
Think i need to quit Uni if im ever to complete such a behemoth task Wink

what have i becomeRolleyes
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