Quote:originally posted by elcoholic
I have suspected this happening in the videogames industry for years and am not shocked the least. Its unfair but I've seen worse scams in my time.
do you remember the game State of emergency. i worked at gamestop at the time of its release. we were instructed to promote this game heavily and as being the next type of Grand Theft Auto. We had several hundred reservations for this game. on release day pretty much every copy was sold. The game was a total flop, it sucked. And before people realized it they were stuck with the game. countless people wanted to return the game, but we couldn't because the store doesn't return opened product for a different game. Rockstar completely scamed the consumers on that one. hell i was even dooped into it, but i could return my copy.
Ah yes State of Emergency. It had so much potential and then. it bombed. Look I know when I am in Gamestop that I take what they suggest at about 1/10 of dime of what they really feel. Hell I know of a store that had copies of a game but said they were out you should have pre-ordered. That is bullshit...
I hate trading in games more thay ever. I don't trade them in for store credit and get 3 dollars for a game they are selling for 19.99. That is some crap... Oh well
i agree with you morgorath on the whole reservation thing, trust me i had adhere to it(it was different when it was funcoland). i used to sell people other peoples copies if i knew them and they were reoccuring customers.
we were convinced some how that gamestops trading system wasn't legal, we make too much off traded in games, and if you knew the profit margin on new games it would make you sick. gamestop buys new games for $20 and sells them for $50 it's highway robery for the customer. however we make no money on the video game systems. when the ps2 came out for $300 we only made a little under $10 per system. Even with the console price drops we don't make money on them.
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
gamestop buys new games for $20 and sells them for $50 it's highway robery for the customer.
Ok, now I'm definetly getting my Ps2 modded.
Yea that is one way of getting around, but not one that promotes better games. The market is flooded with games. The best way to fix the problem is to trade online.
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
gamestop buys new games for $20 and sells them for $50 it's highway robery for the customer.
Then how much are the games that are normally 20 dollars? 10?
And as a worker can you get a disscount? I missed my chance to work at the local GameStop because I didn't want to when they first opened up.
Games are like comic books the rare a game the more value it is worth. Take Dragon Warrior 4 for the NES. This is a rare game and can net you 60 bucks. Now take FF7 we all love the game but it is everywhere. So you can ick up a copy for 7 bucks. Now take a game like Lunar for the Sega CD this will get you about 60 bucks if not more. Then look at Night Trap unedited and you are going to pay big bucks for that.
Hell when Spiderman the movie came out the first ever spiderman jumped almost 250%. But if you really want to cash in Find a issue like the one were Aunt May almost married Doc Occ. That is rising as we speak.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
Ok, now I'm definetly getting my Ps2 modded.
Welcome to "Import" gaming -hehehe
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Welcome to "Import" gaming -hehehe
If I knew how to get mine modded & join import gaming I would.
Quote:originally posted by elcoholic
Ok, now I'm definetly getting my Ps2 modded.
yah if you do that you'll put small video game developers out of business. Pirated games are a double edge sword.
yes batz kage i did have a discount, 35% to be exact
the original dragon ball z game for playstation sells for well over 100 dollars. I've played it and found it to be awful.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
Ok, now I'm definetly getting my Ps2 modded.
Don't do that, there's an easier way. Buy the "swap magic disks + slide card" or something like that. You don't even need to open your console. I own these and they're very good. About 99,9% of games on DVD work, and although not all games on CD work it's still good enough. When it comes to DVDs it's even better than some mod chips. I have a friend whose PS2 is modded and some games that didn't play on his console played on mine. It even plays PAL and NTSC/J original games.
Check the website:
but don't buy anything there, it's expensive, there are sites that sell things cheaper.
That looks very interesting Andromeda. So you can play dvd backups that way. Is it complicated getting them running? I heard of this method once that you had to remove the little plastic part holding the ps2 logo on the tray creating an opening and you had to swap discs without opening the tray. Is that the same or how does this exactly work?
Yes, you can. And like I said before the dvd backups work 99.9% of the time. However, this method only works with PS2 games, it wont work with Playstation games.
You do indeed have to remove the little plastic part holding the ps2 logo on the tray but don't worry because after the hard task that is removing it for the first time you'll be able to it put it back on and remove it again very easily.
You need to remove that part in order to open the tray (using the slide card) without the ps2 system noticing it so that you can swap the magic disc with the game you want to play. After you get the hang of it it's very easy to do. I prefer that to a mod chip, it gives you a little more trouble but I think it's worth it. You might like to know that I know several people that use this method and they're all very satisfied with it.
Can you direct me to a store where I can get it on the cheap?
I own a Magic 3.1 modchip for my PS2, and I'm very happy with it. There's been very few discs that I've had difficulties with, and most of my games are pirated DVDs. I'm able to play both DVD5 and DVD9 games without a hitch, as well as PS titles. A modchip is definitely more convenient than a slide card or a flip-top, since it direct boots like a normal PS2 (no swapping required). However, my PS2 came with a modchip (the shop I bought it from sells only pirated games), so unless you know someone's who qualified to solder the chip on your PS2's board, a slide-card/flip-top may be a better solution.
Btw, if you are thinking about a modchip, avoid the 'clip-on' style of modchips, (which work by clipping itself to the PS2 board with significantly less solder points required), as the pressure required to mount these chips often damage the board itself.
Bottom line is that modchips are MUCH more convenient and reliable, but only if installed properly.