wow im so mad my i cant order stuff without him and hes taking forever so i cant order my animes.........dammit. i hes going to read this but i dont care. lol. hi
OK, what the hell are you rambuling about?? Dont post crap that no one cares about. FREAKING NOOBS!
Yeh are you talking about JJ or something? He shouldnt let you buy anything!
Perhaps he is talking about a paying relative?
Quote:Originally posted by yukimoritenchen
wow im so mad my i cant order stuff without him and hes taking forever so i cant order my animes.........dammit. i hes going to read this but i dont care. lol. hi
I need to read this again when I'm drunk and I'm sure it will make a hell of alot more sense.
Boredom can lead to innate rubbish at times
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Boredom can lead to innate rubbish at times
In this case, Pitchforks and Torches.

We almost hand are self's a hanging there...

he was referring to me. i'm his older brother and buy his anime's on my credit card and he pays me back in cash when they arrive. i apologize for his ramblings, he's suffered mulitple head truamas, partial on my account. i'll try to keep him under control from now on. :o
Controlling the fate of those beneath you... Rock on Homeless Joe