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hey there mrs JJ Wink
Hi! Welcome AntiKiller! Smile
Welcome to the fray Antikiller.
I have been holding back my public congratulations until JJ gave the go ahead to me. I guess your signature is the OK I was waiting for.

I'm looking forward to having Mrs. JJ as part of this forum and finding out what you have to say.
Welcome; congratulations on getting married.. even though I'm late.
Vicious, be good Wink yes she's my lawfully wedded wife of 2 months ;p I am 24, not that old yet... no receeding hairline, nor erectile difficulties, yet...

So be gentle to my baby and lets P-A-R-T-WHY, because i Gotta!
Well congrats to both of you. Hope it lasts forever!!! I think in celebration we should make shipping free for the next monthWink
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Well congrats to both of you. Hope it lasts forever!!! I think in celebration we should make shipping free for the next monthWink

Shipping?? This is a big occasion. We need something bigger than that to celebrate this event. I think we should give out free DVD's!!! Big Grin
I didn't want to push it, but hellz yeah free DVDs for everyone!!!!
Belated congratulations to both of you, JJ and Antikiller!
Looks like even JJ's wife has to wait until she hits 50 posts before she can have an avatar. :p
I thought it was the married couple thats suppose to receive gifts? should I create another button that says "Add 50 dollars to card for JJ and AntiKillers Wedding present" ? I think thats sounds fair (actually 100 dollars sounds more fair but i am a nice guy heh)
Congrats dude! maybe post a wedding pic! so we can all say

aaawwwwwwwww how cute!!!Wink
Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
I thought it was the married couple thats suppose to receive gifts? should I create another button that says "Add 50 dollars to card for JJ and AntiKillers Wedding present" ? I think thats sounds fair (actually 100 dollars sounds more fair but i am a nice guy heh)

Well, I want to make sure I get my slice of cake if I'm giving a present. Wink
Hey guys! Thanks a lot for the warm welcome and all those congrats. I had a pleasant time reading all your comments.

P.S pictures coming soon....dont ask for nude pictures heh Smile (unless you paying 100 dollars ^_^)
Late as usual....Hello Mrs. Joe. JJ rocks so you must too! Welcome and have a blast!
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