Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
Did you get any cool souvenirs back? I got a pair of those wooden sandals with the raised platforms. Totally hilarious as we tried racing in them!
yeah i bought sandals! fricken awesome, plus a tonne of other things! eg fans (gizzilion different types) ,shuriken, kendo stick, flag, anime figures, mecha figures, games etc
including the full FMA figure set!
Oh and how could i forget
Awesome pics. Nothing screams fun like running around Japan with a camera. Wait...something does. Shopping AND running around with a camera. I am so jealous of you. Lol. I was thinking of going to Japan in two years as an exchange student. If my grades meet the requirements, that is. Heh.
thats awesome!!!! i've always wanted to go to Japan at least one time in my life! Might even go and teach english there!
How much money did u end up spending?
Tell us about the girl

Is she Japanese or another tourist? Isn't it great to go to another country and have someone to hang out with!
I'd also like to know how much you spent. That is, if you don't mind sharing it with us. A one week trip to Japan for one person costs about £1700 ($3000) around here.
well guys i managed to keep to a budget of £2000 and actually came back with 2000 yen (around £10) so i was under budget -hehehe
oh and if you thik those pics are good there nothing compared to the rest i took (considering they are only for my first 2days and ive got 3 weeks worth, well got 4days without coz battery issues -GRRR)
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
Tell us about the girl
Is she Japanese or another tourist? Isn't it great to go to another country and have someone to hang out with!
yeah i met loadsa peops and have made some vgood friends which i stay in touch with throu messngers
oohhh and what can i say "The Girl"aka Jessie is Sugoi
shes half American and half Japanese (okinowa origin)
missss her tonnnnnnnssssssssssss
will post pic of her if she lets me

I took £2500 and came back with several hundred after 2 weeks. It paid for my hotelsm internal flights and all my purchases and we ate and stayed in nice places. I didn't buy many clothes as i thought they were overpriced mostly and alot of japanese fashions were not really my style.
Also we bought first class rail passes for the 2 weeks which let us on the railways and bullet trains. Man the bullet trains are fast, almost went into orbit - really felt like Galaxy Express 999. But it was a pretty smooth ride.
Did you guys plan the trip yourselves or did you contact a travelling agency?
We planned it oourselves and just booked all the stuff and hotels ourselves as we went all over Japan.
It seems that's what I need to do. It will probably be much cheaper. I mean, if rav96 was in Tokyo for 3 weeks and spent £2000 and you were all over Japan (which is what I want to do) for 2 weeks and didn't even spend £2500 then £1700 for 1 week (1 person) is just to much (damn travelling agencies).
Those £2500 you took were used to pay for the whole trip or just to pay your expenses?
I could have survived for 3 weeks on under say around £600 if i wanted to! easily! but i saved £2000 as moneys there to be spent
i shopped till i dropped!
gonna travel all around japan next time, but Tokyo is the place for me and the most expensive placei japan
but hey live life!
then worry bout the bills

The most expensive thing here is the airplane ticket. I was told that airplane tickets to Japan from London are not very expensive.
dont know where you got that from mine cost like £580 with insurance included
bargain considering most were like £700+ coz its in season but not cheap, most holidays cost that alone esp in europe
I think tickets cost a bit more than £700 here but I thought everything in Japan was very expensive.