I might be out of line here, but I would like to make a suggestion to add to the forum rules. There have been way to many sub/dub debates lately. I admit I participate in them as well, even if I am never the one to start them.
Can we add something to the forum rules where someone gets one maybe two warnings and then you can ban them if they say something that is obviously controversial about a sub/dub.
For example. If someone says something like 'I watched the subbed version and liked it better because the voice actress for Bulma was annoying in English'. That should be OK, because they're justifying their reasoning for not liking a particular performance.
But if someone says 'All dubs suck', or 'Dubs are shit compared to the Japanese performances which are chocolate'. They should be warned, because there is nothing behind it except biased opinion which is obviously just trolling for an argument. And if someone continues to do so, ban them.
Because at this point everyone knows that it is a moot point. Yet there are some who continue to make controversial statements. I know JJ has gotten lax on the rules lately. But I do think this would dramatically help reduce these pointless debates.
I agree with you on this one. These flamewars over sub vs. dub have gotten way out of hand. It's not wrong to voice your opinion but the way you do it should not be so harsh that it is mean or insulting to people who don't share your opinion. Just keep in mind how others may react.
sounds like someone is campaigning to be a mod...:p :p :p
it is funny that you are against 'biased' opinions because you seem to be one of the most biased people I have seen on the boards. I also find it funny that the only example of an annoying 'trolling' post to you is the one that is negative towards dubs. If you are going to get pissed that people give a blanket opinion about dubs, you also have to be fair and also get pissed when people give blanket opinions about Japanese VA's as well.
You bring the point about having a specific qualm with a dub, i.e. Dragonball Z, but I wonder who even cares to take the time to watch an anime twice with both audio tracks to decide which is better. They just stick with what is good for them. That creates a preference and an opinion that really isn't completely informed. I know that you are an avid dub guy, but have you watched every anime you own in both languages? If you haven't, how do you know that all the Japanese VA's are inferior to the English VA's? Sure that is an extreme example and typically you only have to watch no more than one episode in both languages, but that really will do little if your preference is already well estabilished.
Either way, I know this is hard for most of us (espicially mr. Vicious), but the best way to make a thread go away is to ignore it. If someone is being an idiot, just don't post and the thread will float its way down the list into oblivion.
I do understand where you are coming from, but there is something that just feels sour about adding any sort of new restrictions and rules to an already free and easy board. No one likes to get modded for having an opinion, no matter how ridiculous it seems to you or anyone else.

Don't we already have something in the rules prohibiting dub vs. sub debates?
Quote:20. No Dub vs Sub threads. (Dub and Sub threads are allowed) We could argue what is better until we go blue in the face - there is no right answer. We'll avoid the flame war without them in general.
Quote:Originally posted by rugrats1
Don't we already have something in the rules prohibiting dub vs. sub debates?
We have since the new rules and FAQ thread was updated half a year ago. I guess, most didn't bother to read or abide.
Well there you go! You know when I first read this thread the thought crossed my mind that I had read something in the rules about dub vs. sub threads. But I think Vicious's point was that lately the rules haven't been really enforced.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
But if someone says 'All dubs suck', or 'Dubs are shit compared to the Japanese performances which are chocolate'. They should be warned, because there is nothing behind it except biased opinion which is obviously just trolling for an argument. And if someone continues to do so, ban them.
Agreed Vicious. I am tired of antagonizers. There should be consequences for people who know they are starting trouble.
Hehe I guess I'm guilty of that. If there was already a rule in place forbidding that, then I'll refrain from such comments in the future. However, my intentions weren't to start trouble, but rather to voice my opinions regarding the lack of quality of english subs, to put it nicely.
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
sounds like someone is campaigning to be a mod...:p :p :p
Let me answer your points in turn.
I'm not campaigning to be a mod. Simply making a suggestion.
Also, I am not biased. I might offer up my opinion. But I have never said anything that does not have some sort of reasoning or factual evidence behind it. If you could provide an example of me being 'biased', that might help. Actually, I'm begging for you to quote something of me being 'biased'. If I ever am biased, I admit it. For example, I've always said I like dubs. But at the same time, I've never said anything negative of the Japanese version.
Regarding subs. Have you ever heard me say subs are bad? I have never ever once put subs down and said they suck. Also, I would like for you to give me one example of anyone on here making blanket statements about the Japanese VA's. Fact is that it's always the dub haters putting the American VA's down. I've never seen it where it is the other way around. The dub people usually say 'I don't like reading the screen' or 'I just want to watch the action' or something to that effect. I don't recall hearing any one on here bashing the Japanese VA's. But I do recall numerous examples of people claiming all dubs are crap or other similar sentiments.
The last thing you are right about. It is hard for me to ignore if someone says something stupid in general. It would help the thread die and make the problem go away. But I have this sense of justice that won't let me do that. I can't let someone say something like that and get away with it thinking they're right. The way I see it, if they say it once, they're bound to say it again. So I'm not letting them get away with it the 1st time, or the 2nd, or the 3rd. Believe me, I tried hard to stay quiet in that one thread. And then finally got tired of everyone wrongly bashing dubs, but noone saying anything to defend them.
Quote:Originally posted by rugrats1
Don't we already have something in the rules prohibiting dub vs. sub debates?
yes, but we don't have measures to ban people who incite them.
I should be a mod, however. Not only have I been here the longest, but Shibo doesn't mod anymore, and his news (which he hasn't spilt) will keep him from being here longer. So, I should take his place.
Kak for mod. Takes no shit and is fair to boot.
Hum if i see a thread go straight into a flame war i will generally lock it.. but the last thread i read was only talking about dubs.. the person didn't wish to talk about subs and i read it for a bit then totally quit reading it.. So if any of you think that a thread gets carried away you can Always PM JJ or myself and we will look at it.. But generally i don't read those types of threads..
Well Vicious to me you seem pretty good at making threads worse with statements you make if you ask me... I prime example is constantly campaigning for people to buy R1s in a HK forum! You get to easily wound up...
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
I wonder who even cares to take the time to watch an anime twice with both audio tracks to decide which is better.
I do

But that is probably because I see the benefits of both subs and dubs. What I do is preview an anime by downloading the episodes and watching in Japanese. If I like the show, I buy it and then watch it through again in English. Then, for the future, I will know which sound track is better and only listen to that one. I know it's different for everyone, but for me its around 70% dub and 30% sub.
I agree if someone wants to claim that a certain language track to a show is bad they need to back that statement up. Lots of things in life require you show proof why and I think saying that a certain language track to an anime is one of those things.
Quote:Originally posted by gubi-gubi
Well Vicious to me you seem pretty good at making threads worse with statements you make if you ask me... I prime example is constantly campaigning for people to buy R1s in a HK forum! You get to easily wound up...
Perhaps I do. But I've never been the type to stay quiet and let people walk all over me or what I believe in. I'll never be the one to start it, but I sure as hell will finish it.
I really don't want to get into the R1 vs. HK thing, but if you must know. I've never cared what people buy, if I did, I wouldn't be here. As long as they realize that they're cheap or tryng to save money by buying HK's, and not sitting there rationalizing it by 'I hate ADV. so screw them. that's why I won't buy their stuff. but i'll buy rips of their suff.' The thing that really pisses me off is when people say 'I don't buy R1's because I'm not paying $30 for 3 episodes.' That might be true for those of you in Europe, but that statement is certainly not true for us in the US.