That's true in Canada also though. In most places I look, R1s sell anywhere from $35 to $40 Canadian, PLUS a 15% on top in Ontario. It's really expensive, and I'm sure most people don't want to wait until one of the license companies are 'nice' enough to lower the price on one of their old series to buy.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I'm not campaigning to be a mod. Simply making a suggestion.
Obviously you aren't, I was just jerking your chain. :p
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Also, I am not biased.
I am having a hard time thinking of a good example, so I'll take that one back. no hard feelings...
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Regarding subs. Have you ever heard me say subs are bad? I have never ever once put subs down and said they suck. Also, I would like for you to give me one example of anyone on here making blanket statements about the Japanese VA's.
This is true and I know this, but my point was that even though it doesn't happen often, when it does happen, it should be given the same treatment. If you want dub haters to get punished, then if a sub hater decides to be annoying, then they should be given the same treatment. I am just about it being fair.

Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
This is true and I know this, but my point was that even though it doesn't happen often, when it does happen, it should be given the same treatment. If you want dub haters to get punished, then if a sub hater decides to be annoying, then they should be given the same treatment. I am just about it being fair.
Definitely. They should both be treated equally. I just used the one as an example, because I couldn't think of any examples of someone bashing the Japanese track. But yes, both are equally a bad, and should be receive equal punishment.
I'm going to chime in here and agree with Vicious.
Personally, I like to hear why people have a preference of one form of something versus another. When rationally explained, I find that I can get new insights into a subject that I enjoy.
So if someone out there says I really prefer subtitles over dubs because I find it helps my reading skills I can see how that is a benficial statement to a thread.
When someone makes a blanket statement like "all sub jobs reek of cow excrement" that isn't constructive in any way.
I enjoy and promote healthy and constructive arguments. I enjoy when opinions are offered as opinions and even supported by reasons. I enjoy when facts are given with references and some degree of research.
I do my best to provide conversation at a level that I would enjoy from other people. I only ask in return that other posters put a similar amount of thought into their posts and expect responses that reflect their initial posts.
With me i like dubs i prefer Pioneer/Geneon cast and the ones from ADV with Cowboy Bebop/Outlaw Star, and with the 3eps on a dvd costing $30 wouldn't cost alot to me since i am in Europe, more likely UK and since i do shop online US sites for dvds i benifit from the strong pound ^_^ maybe expensive to others but not with the £ Pound.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
The thing that really pisses me off is when people say 'I don't buy R1's because I'm not paying $30 for 3 episodes.' That might be true for those of you in Europe, but that statement is certainly not true for us in the US.
I'd just like to point out that I'm the one who said that and I'm from Europe and you know that Vicious so unless you've "heard" somebody from the US say something like that, there's no need for you to get pissed off.
Anyway, about the whole sub vs dub subject I just think that rule on the faq needs to be enforced! If it's a rule the moderators should just close a thread as soon as it turns into a sub vs dub war. I mean, just look at what happened in those two threads "Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs" and "Poll: The first anime you remember watching"! How is it possible that things got to that point?
In my opinion you can't be nice about this otherwise people are just going to end up arguing what is better until they go blue in the face.
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
How is it possible that things got to that point?
Antagonizers and people who just want attention.
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I'd just like to point out that I'm the one who said that and I'm from Europe and you know that Vicious so unless you've "heard" somebody from the US say something like that, there's no need for you to get pissed off.
I've heard plenty of people in the US say that on boards numerous times.
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I mean, just look at what happened in those two threads "Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs" and "Poll: The first anime you remember watching"! How is it possible that things got to that point?
In my opinion you can't be nice about this otherwise people are just going to end up arguing what is better until they go blue in the face.
Again i would like to point out that when i read threads and they do get outta hand i do generally close them.. But when i read those threads.. only few posts they hadn't gotten outta hand.. and then i quit reading them (though as an admin i probably should read everything but i don't have the time to read everything) But i would like to point out if you do see a thread turn bad, Go ahead and PM a mod or admin like JJ or myself so that we can look into it.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I've heard plenty of people in the US say that on boards numerous times.
I will second Vicious here.. I have seen alot of US say the same thing.. most of the time if a person says something and they are from Eurupe they will let you know that.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I've heard plenty of people in the US say that on boards numerous times.
Sorry about that then Vicious. Please feel free to be pissed off!

try buying anime at the virgin superstore in new york city. extremely inflated prices upwards of 30 to 40 dollars. thats just one extreme that i have seen.
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
try buying anime at the virgin superstore in new york city. extremely inflated prices upwards of 30 to 40 dollars. thats just one extreme that i have seen.
Honestly, you shouldn't be buying anime at any B&M store. All my anime is bought online. The prices that I see in stores are ridiculous. Tower Records near my house have a huge selection, but everything is sold at MSRP. Why buy from there when I can buy online for a 40% discount?
i now buy all my anime off the internet, i used to buy it from best buy when they were selling individual volumes between 15 and 20 dollars. now they sell everything for about 30. i asked one of thier sales associates why the increase in price, and he told me that it was because of an increase in demand for it. thats when i started buying it off the internet.
Best Buys pricing schemes are all messed up. What's good about it is that they also end up mispricing it in our favor sometimes. I got the 1st Marmalade Boy boxset off their site for $25 and each of the Heat Guy J discs for $7 each.