The best description of Bush that I've heard yet is that he's a post turtle.
For people who don't know what a post turtle is it's when you're walking along and you see a turtle balanced on a fence post. It's not sure what to do, it can't get down, and it sure as hell didn't get there by itself.
haha, yeah that seems to describe him. sitting there with that stupid look on his face. i tend to think of him as a dummy, sitting on dick's knee.
There's a new book out called "Bushisms". It has a bunch of stupid things that Bush has said. Very funny.
Well I will be voting this year. I haven't made up my mind. What I do know is the Democrats have some ugly looking wives. The current Pres and company do a lot of double talk. And I think having Gore during 9/11 would have left us all scared going...shit we need someone who knows how to use a gun not someone who is scared of one.
Anyways as long as Mrs. Clinton doesn't get back into the white house I'll be ok.
i may not be a republican, or a demcrat for tht matter, but you are all making a very serious mistake when you assume that bush is a stupid man. he may not be able to talk well in large crowds or do an impromptu speech worth a damn and it may be popular to make fun of the man and call him stupid, but the man is not dumb. dont underestimate him or his ability to fuk us all over.
Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
There's a new book out called "Bushisms". It has a bunch of stupid things that Bush has said. Very funny.
haha, yeah there are several editions, all pretty entertaining
Quote:Originally posted by garritynet
i may not be a republican, or a demcrat for tht matter, but you are all making a very serious mistake when you assume that bush is a stupid man. he may not be able to talk well in large crowds or do an impromptu speech worth a damn and it may be popular to make fun of the man and call him stupid, but the man is not dumb. dont underestimate him or his ability to fuk us all over.
i'm sure he isn't as big a moron as a lot of people think. that kinda scares me, people underestimate him. i think that it may seem like he is an idiot, but i have a bad feeling that a lot goes on that we will never know about with him in control, a lot of bad things. or maybe it's all one big misunderstading

Paah, I think his daddy is the power behind the throne so to speak. ;P Anyone wanna bet he calls his daddy everyday to ask for advice?
i'm voting for bush, because i have problems with career politicians like kerry. A major problem with our politcal system is career politicians who only do things to better themselves and get themselves re-elected. they usually spend most of thier term preparing for the next election. I'm not saying bush is much better, but i hate canidates who have been in politics for so long(in washington primarily), they don't want change. example bob dole , john kerry, etc. i would gladly have voted for Dean as president, i think he would have been a better canidate than kerry. plus kerry flip flops too much on what he supports i hate that, he is as bad has hilary clinton.
vote for me in 2004
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
. plus kerry flip flops too much on what he supports i hate that, he is as bad has hilary clinton.
Examples please? (not his stance on Iraq please)
Oh and Garrinet, he is as stupid as everyone says. You should see him when he's in europe or anywhere but the US giving a press conference with that country's leader. He is a selfish guy who doesn't take any non republican, non american serious. He has destoyed (well, damaged) international relations with practically every country except the UK and the majority of the world now sees Bush and the US as the No.1 threat of world peace, including the western countries.
I recently saw an interview with Mr. Clinton on the BBC. This guy is SMART and really tried his best for the country. I would love to see a discussion between Bush and Clinton and see him destroy Bush verbaly. I was so impressed and almost jealous that you had him as president at one time. He almost got impeached (by the republicans) for a private matter. If that was enough to impeach Clinton than Bush should get the death penalty for all his lies and stupid things he has done. Pfff, he wasn't even elected.
Damn, I get upset everytime I talk about this guy. He makes me so mad. I repeat, he really damaged international relations all over the world and the way normal citizens look at the US. You are seen as an arogant country who think they can do whatever they want, anywhere they want. This is the kind of information you don't get in the US but its very true and very allive in other country's. Its not you all personally but thats what your front man portraits to the rest of the world. The "don't mess with me or else..."attitude. I'm glad I got to know that there are also people who are critical about him in the Us through boards like this but many people don't and just make a conclusion by what they see on tv. Its doing to take a long time to fix what Bush has messed up.
You guys can check out if you guys want to see who the site thinks your views agree with.
For me . . . surprise, my views agree with the Democrats.

Kerry - 58% , Kucinich??? - 54%, Bush - 24%.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You guys can check out if you guys want to see who the site thinks your views agree with.
For me . . . surprise, my views agree with the Democrats.
Kerry - 58% , Kucinich??? - 54%, Bush - 24%.
Hey, that is really cool... thanks... I'm afraid my results are pretty much similar to yours... not that that is a bad thing... *laugh*
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
What I do know is the Democrats have some ugly looking wives.
Yeah, that Barbara Bush was a real fox. What the...?
Quote:Originally posted by garritynet
our president is not supposed to be some benelovent leader who fearlessly leads us into the next era. hes gonna be some asshole just like its been for a hundred years. ...if things are fouled up its because we as a people are dropping the ball by not voting the assholes who do what we want in office and the ones who dont out, and not just the president, hes only one assshole, but across the board, learn who you canidates are, what they've done and vote everytime and we wont get "screwed over" anymore.
Mmm. Yes. I appreciate the general tone of this post. I'm weary of people acting like the presidency needs to be idealized. Yes, we should be critical of our elected officials - and, yes, not just the president, as though he's the only one up there doing anything - but sorry kids, but there is a sort of selection process that determines what types of people rise to power in any country and you're going to have to suck it up and deal with the reality that none of these people are going to be pure as the driven snow. I'm weary of each side telling the other that their people aren't hopelessly smitten with their candidate. Anyone smitten with a candidate needs their head checked. When you exercise your political rights, you are voting for the expected outcome that maximizes your perceived benefit. I think too many people base their decisions on minimal or marginal issues versus educating themselves on the complex network of outcomes that flow from any individual in power. Not to mention voting for the person versus the issues. Blech. I'm just so tired of listening to the airheads that spontaneously think of themselves as political beings because an election is nigh or a Michael Moore film is stirring them up.
And what the' is up with the UN wanting to chaperone our election? Does that weird anyone else out?
Quote:Originally posted by lucien
And what the' is up with the UN wanting to chaperone our election? Does that weird anyone else out?
I haven't heard of this but I think it would have something to do with the fact that your current pres. stole the last election. I wouldn't think to much of it though since I think they are present at almost every governmental election. They're just there to make it appear like there is a unbiased controling entity present so people won't be able to bitch about elections being unfair afterwards.
Yeah, apparantly 13 Democrats from the House of Reps. sent a letter to Kofi Annan last week to request that the UN send representatives to observe the elections to "safeguard the rights of American voters."
The UN turned them down yesterday saying that the UN responds to requests made by national governments, not legislative branches.
Personally, I voted for Gore and was highly disgruntled when Bush rose to power, but... I'm weary of the debate over election fraud. Regardless of the fact that the election outcome was questionable, it's clear that it was a tight race, so I'm not sure that I consider Bush to have been completely alien to what many American people wanted. Now people are paying more attention, and that's good.
I guess I just thought the UN thing was weird because I was under the impression that they usually did not monitor the elections of established democracies and in general, it suggests some degree of UN sovereignty...rather in the line of a praemunire. Further, I'm not sure what exactly they would be able to do to help...