06-20-2004, 11:48 PM
06-21-2004, 12:07 AM
Thank you, and congrats on your 200 posts
06-21-2004, 12:12 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
Thank you, and congrats on your 200 posts
Thanks, congrats on your 9 posts.

06-21-2004, 02:55 AM
So nobody answered his/her questions... and yes, I know they can probably find them in the FAQ or by searching the forum, what can I say? It's almost 5 am, and I'm awake... and in a helpful mood...
R1 is Region 1 coding on DVD's, hence the US and Canada
HK is Hong Kong DVD's, usually R0 or all region coding and can be played by any DVD player... albeit not always well...
and usually not the same quality as R1 disks are.
MAC is a company that produces some of the HK's, or in particular Manga Anime/Animation Cartoon the others are listed in the FAQ and some of them have various names so it can get somewhat confusing... and I still couldn't tell you which ones were the same company!
Oh, nice sig, btw... (and nice come backs.. Vicious is sorta in attack mode these days... :eek: or more so than usual... :p )

R1 is Region 1 coding on DVD's, hence the US and Canada
HK is Hong Kong DVD's, usually R0 or all region coding and can be played by any DVD player... albeit not always well...

MAC is a company that produces some of the HK's, or in particular Manga Anime/Animation Cartoon the others are listed in the FAQ and some of them have various names so it can get somewhat confusing... and I still couldn't tell you which ones were the same company!
Oh, nice sig, btw... (and nice come backs.. Vicious is sorta in attack mode these days... :eek: or more so than usual... :p )
06-21-2004, 04:20 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Amethyst
Oh, nice sig, btw... (and nice come backs.. Vicious is sorta in attack mode these days... :eek: or more so than usual... :p )
Who? Innocent little old me? :eek:
06-21-2004, 08:54 AM
i enjoy vicious' comments, they humor me. you took to him better than most.
06-21-2004, 09:27 AM
Heh, thanks. I guess I'm just cool like that...? But apparently not as cool as spike...
But thank you for your explanation of R1 and HK. It helped.
But thank you for your explanation of R1 and HK. It helped.
06-21-2004, 01:03 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Who? Innocent little old me? :eek:
Am I the only one who wants to meet Vicious in real life so that I can pet him like a little kitty kitty & ask him to purr?...why is it I feel that I am, & that I'd probably get shot for doing that -_-

Anyways, hello to the new guy!
06-21-2004, 02:02 PM
Yes, you are the only one. But you've always had suicidal tendencies, so that would explain it. :mad:
06-21-2004, 04:21 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Anyways, hello to the new guy!
Hello to you to. Man, I'm feeling the love.

06-21-2004, 07:12 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
Heh, thanks. I guess I'm just cool like that...? But apparently not as cool as spike...
But thank you for your explanation of R1 and HK. It helped.
You will never be as cool as me, its just not possible.

06-21-2004, 08:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
You will never be as cool as me, its just not possible.LOL
It hurts me so...
06-24-2004, 09:18 PM
i dont know about the petting thing...or the purring....
but what i do know about is fist fighting. i think i would like to get into a fist fight with vicious. nothing malicious of course, just for fun (yeah i know).
vicious seems like the type of person that would make for an especcially fun fist fight, just because its so easy to get the motivation to hit him. and when it comes right down to it, he only lives like 2.5 hours from me. but thats still a long drive just for a (perhaps drunken?) fist fight.
just to be sure, i dont want to fight vicious because i dislike him, only because i can't resist a good raging fist fight, and i firmly believe that he could provide that. no malice intended.
but what i do know about is fist fighting. i think i would like to get into a fist fight with vicious. nothing malicious of course, just for fun (yeah i know).
vicious seems like the type of person that would make for an especcially fun fist fight, just because its so easy to get the motivation to hit him. and when it comes right down to it, he only lives like 2.5 hours from me. but thats still a long drive just for a (perhaps drunken?) fist fight.
just to be sure, i dont want to fight vicious because i dislike him, only because i can't resist a good raging fist fight, and i firmly believe that he could provide that. no malice intended.
06-25-2004, 04:29 AM
I wouldn't mind getting into a fight either. But I can't get into a fight 'just for fun'. I can't be sitting there thinking 'I can't hit him there' or 'Gotta pull my punch'. If I'm gonna get into a fight, it has to be a real fight. I can't worry about hurting the other person.
It's funny you should mention fist fighting though. Because just the other day, I wanted to hit someone and was watching something on TV about boxing. I was thinking perhaps I should take some boxing lessons, cuz then we got gear on and can go ahead and try and knock each other out without worrying about doing too much damage. I'll have to look into that and see how affordable it is.
It's funny you should mention fist fighting though. Because just the other day, I wanted to hit someone and was watching something on TV about boxing. I was thinking perhaps I should take some boxing lessons, cuz then we got gear on and can go ahead and try and knock each other out without worrying about doing too much damage. I'll have to look into that and see how affordable it is.
06-25-2004, 01:44 PM
buddy boxing is fun, you don't feel a thing when your wasted of your ass, that is until the next morning. But it's always worth it every time.