Really, does every other picture have to be of nearly naked or big chested or bikini women? I'd like to browse through the site without getting leers in my direction.
its summer time so we have bikini theme, please give May some credit, she worked hard to make those things
granted, we talked about making some kind of option to have only certain characters appear that say are rated PG13... Schultz just been busy with moving from Japan to USA now taking a well deserved time off, visiting family and inlaws.
We'll get it done Kakomu, sorry for inconvienience.
Fuck that I want to see some penetration. I'm a 26 year old man I don't give a shit what kind of leers I get!
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Fuck that I want to see some penetration. I'm a 26 year old man I don't give a shit what kind of leers I get!
You're 26 year old man who wants to see penetration of drawings. :p
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
Really, does every other picture have to be of nearly naked or big chested or bikini women? I'd like to browse through the site without getting leers in my direction.
Stop wasting time on an anime site and go do some work

Sounds like it's time for someone to go visit the wonderful land of Disney animation.

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You're 26 year old man who wants to see penetration of drawings. :p
It just doesn't stop at penetration of drawings!!!
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
It just doesn't stop at penetration of drawings!!!
I never said there was anything wrong with actual live porn.

Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
its summer time so we have bikini theme, please give May some credit, she worked hard to make those things
They even have Kanna in there ^^ ...
good choice! =P
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I never said there was anything wrong with actual live porn. :p
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Especially Brianna Banks.

oh no my virgin eyes. the lack of nudity is offensive

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Especially Brianna Banks.
she's too floppy. I'm not a fan of her.
I wouldn't turn her down, then again I don't know who I turn down when I'm drunk.