In your opinion, which gatefold/or gatefolds has caught your attention the most? The gatefold that I find most attractive is the MI Pretear DVD set. It is has the most prettiest art ever. Tell me what you think

My favorite artwork on a gatefold has to be AC's version of Ai Yori Aoshi. But the coolest artwork I've seen on the inside of a gatefold is MAC's Najica set.
MI's DBZ set or MI's old Eva TV set.
I really like the Mi Fushigi Yugi sets. The images are just outstanding when you look at it.
I love the look of the Argento Soma Perfect Collection by FX.
i liked the art of rei on the inside of the NGE gatefold
MI's Fushigi Yuugi set. It's so freakin' awesome.
I liked the art on the FX FMP set, it looked really cool.
Guess I'll also throw in my vote for MI's 'Fushigi Yuugi' ...
I second Argento Soma Perfect Collection from FX.
I'd have to say the MI versions of both Hellsing and Argento Soma are much better than FX. FX has some really ugly boxes out.
I thought Sailor Moon Stars Was a pretty set and Ai Yori Aoshi
I like the artwork of av's scrapped princess.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
Hellsing by FX.
Same here love it, it's purty