Just rating a set by it's artwork?
The Giant Robo Perfect Collection from Mac stands out as one of the prettiest that I have. It has deeper colour and more depth to the printing than any of the other sets I own not to mention great layout for the artwork both inside and out. It's really the quality of the printing that sets this one apart. It's the only HK set I've gone so far as to mention the gatefold in my review.
Then there's my Akira Special Edition in the tin case but I'm not sure if we're counting R1s or not... it's still a cool set.
Well... just got my FX s.CRY.ed perfect TV today... and I have to say, after comparing it to the rest of my collection, it's right up there... possibly even as my favorite.
It's certainly colorful. -Very-, very colorful.
Mmmm... shiny...
I just checked out my collection again and I just noticed that the Matantei Loki Ragnarok Set from AV looks really colorful and very organized. However in my opinion the uggliest gatefold ever made was the Ayashi No Ceres MAC. Does anyone agree with me? ^^ Another set that i was kinda disappointed was the gatekeepers +21 fx. The inside looked very plain and boring. What are some gatefolds that look unattractive to the eyes, in you people's opinion?

Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
I just checked out my collection again and I just noticed that the Matantei Loki Ragnarok Set from AV looks really colorful and very organized. However in my opinion the uggliest gatefold ever made was the Ayashi No Ceres MAC. Does anyone agree with me? ^^ Another set that i was kinda disappointed was the gatekeepers +21 fx. The inside looked very plain and boring. What are some gatefolds that look unattractive to the eyes, in you people's opinion?
Looking through my set.. I also had to note that I -love- the Hellsing (fx) gatefold. Very slick looking packaging...
On the other end of the spectrum, I thought the FX gatefold for Trigun looked terrible.. personally... and actually went out of my way to get the MI version, which I think looks pretty sweet. Couldn't help but love that cover...
The FX Trigun case is one of my favorites ^^. The disks look very cool and the case looks very glossy. Another one of my favorite sets are the Yami No Matsuei MI 3 DVD set and the Comic Party MI 3 dvd set. Those have the best art on the disks and on the gate folds.
Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
The FX Trigun case is one of my favorites ^^. The disks look very cool and the case looks very glossy. Another one of my favorite sets are the Yami No Matsuei MI 3 DVD set and the Comic Party MI 3 dvd set. Those have the best art on the disks and on the gate folds.
Granted... I haven't seen the Trigun case live and in person, just something about the screenshots rubbed me the wrong way. The cover just seemed too... busy for me, or something. You know?
To each their own, right?
I also wasn't huge on the cover for the FX Berserk release... although the disc stamps, and inside artwork is absolutely -perfect-.
Also I found out a long time ago that the Ayashi No Ceres MAC gatefold case was a rip off of the FX one. I think that is the reason why the gate fold looks so bad. I can post the pics of the fx case and u can compare it because they look exactly the same except for the fact that the MAC set sucks!