06-10-2004, 05:03 PM
06-10-2004, 05:09 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
PS: Slayers boxset=$129,Slayers Next=$129, Slayers Try=$129 (domestic)=$187
Slayers perfect collection=$63 dollars
R1: USA & Canada releases....I supposed the rights of ADV "stretches" to Canada.
MSRP: Slayers(Enhanced): $89.95
Btw, nobody buys at that price anymore. Just look on Ebay. You could easily get one that's about 40% to 60% off. 3 sets less than $200
06-10-2004, 05:29 PM
Why get it the 3 set for less than $200 when you can have it for $63
06-10-2004, 05:33 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
Why get it the 3 set for less than $200 when you can have it for $63
Maybe some people prefer R1s when they do not have that much compression and compatiability problems? For me, I didn't like Slayers well enough to either get them on HK or keep the R1s......*shrug*
06-10-2004, 05:41 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Maybe some people prefer R1s when they do not have that much compression and compatiability problems? For me, I didn't like Slayers well enough to either get them on HK or keep the R1s......*shrug*
Yes I understand that people prefer R1s instead of HK but this so happens to be an HK site, and I'm not against people buying R1, I'm just complaining because they basically want to eliminate HKs, so what happens if every company start doing the same as ADV, there wont be an Import Anime site anymore
06-10-2004, 05:59 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
You should adress people more nicely, maube instead of trying to educate people educate yourself with a better behavior. I'm a lawyer and I know the rights of people and companies. If you're from the US and are selling HKs then your breaking the US law, but since HKs are from HONG KONG the law doesn't apply to them only if you sell it in the states, and I believe this site ships from Canada, so technicaly it isn't bad and in the 21st century the internet is consider an international market so it isn't against any law just the one from the country of the site.
I'm not treating anyone nicely that doesn't deserve it. I don't need education. I know what I'm doing when I'm doing it. You act like a dumbass, you get treated like a dumbass.
I'm not gonna argue with you about the details, since I don't have the resources to go and look up the actual law here. You do, so you could easily provide us with what the exact law states word for word (which I noticed you didn't give us) and not your interpretation of it.
But there is an easier way for me to prove you wrong. Why don't you write to ADV and tell them that? You know why you won't? Because you're wrong!!! Let's see . . . . believe you, or a huge company like them? I'm sure they did this based on impulse and did absolutely no research into something that affects their livelihood.

And also as someone pointed out earlier. they have Region 1 rights. Region 1 does include Canada.
EDIT: Practice what you preach you hypocrite. You lecture me about being nice and then you're gonna call me the same thing in the NBA thread? I'm sure you're very good at garnering respect from people aren't you?

06-10-2004, 06:25 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
Yes I understand that people prefer R1s instead of HK but this so happens to be an HK site, and I'm not against people buying R1, I'm just complaining because they basically want to eliminate HKs, so what happens if every company start doing the same as ADV, there wont be an Import Anime site anymore
You said you are a lawyer? I believe that in Business Law, they do talk about infringing copyrights, don't they? I just have to look that up in my Law Textbook but nah...not worth the trouble.
Wonder if anyone sees the irony in this as I do....
06-10-2004, 07:08 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I'm not treating anyone nicely that doesn't deserve it. I don't need education. I know what I'm doing when I'm doing it. You act like a dumbass, you get treated like a dumbass.
I'm not gonna argue with you about the details, since I don't have the resources to go and look up the actual law here. You do, so you could easily provide us with what the exact law states word for word (which I noticed you didn't give us) and not your interpretation of it.
But there is an easier way for me to prove you wrong. Why don't you write to ADV and tell them that? You know why you won't? Because you're wrong!!! Let's see . . . . believe you, or a huge company like them? I'm sure they did this based on impulse and did absolutely no research into something that affects their livelihood.![]()
And also as someone pointed out earlier. they have Region 1 rights. Region 1 does include Canada.
EDIT: Practice what you preach you hypocrite. You lecture me about being nice and then you're gonna call me the same thing in the NBA thread? I'm sure you're very good at garnering respect from people aren't you?![]()
Vicious I say that to you in the NBA thread because I was so angry for you calling me a fu$%3 idiot without me personally saying anything to you, I just said that to the ADV company and then you just hit me with those words, so I apologized for the words I said to you by impulse, I really like this site and all the people here.
As for the topic there is no law for the entire world, for example you can't arrest sombody in another country, like the US can't go arrest sombody in Mexico, well the same kind of thing happens here, if that law only exist in that place, as long as you're not in that place you're clear. Someone pointed out earlier thatthey have Region 1 rights, and region 1=US, Hk=region 0 or region free=have no region, so HK are not violating anything. Anyway it would be a violation if you were in the US but like I said the internet is clasified as a Global market, so the thing is if that law exist in the place that the site is located? then you have your answer
PS: I apologized personally to Vicious but let me just said that I wouldn't said those things if you didn't say them first, but I'm not making excuses, just to make myself clear maybe when someone writes something is not in the way you're reading it and I think thats what happens in my comment about ADV and thats why the reaction was created. No hard feelings just diferent opinions so I still like y'all

06-10-2004, 07:35 PM
Quote:And also as someone pointed out earlier. they have Region 1 rights. Region 1 does include Canada.
Generally, most DVD companies that get R1 rights get them for both the Us and Canada.
However, unlike Hollywoood studios, which make their titles in both the US and Canada, most anime companies make their product only in the US, meaning that anime is more expensive in Canada than it is in the US.
When I was in Canada this past March, I've noticed many Pioneer and ADV titles on the market at various record stores. However, to compensate for shipping and customs, the prices were marked up. Most single-disc anime DVDs sell for C$50, which is worth about US$37.50 (SRP in the US is generally US$30). And that's not including the GST or PST (sales taxes).
06-10-2004, 07:39 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
Yes I understand that people prefer R1s instead of HK but this so happens to be an HK site, and I'm not against people buying R1, I'm just complaining because they basically want to eliminate HKs, so what happens if every company start doing the same as ADV, there wont be an Import Anime site anymore
Then JJ will abandon this site and start a new one. He should name the new website anime-import

06-10-2004, 08:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ZODDGUTS
Then JJ will abandon this site and start a new one. He should name the new website anime-import![]()
Actually there is an anime-import.com. It's a forum so I dunn think that will work unfortunatly. I found it since I am an baka and can never remember website urls XD.
06-10-2004, 09:29 PM
Quote:Originally posted by rugrats1
When I was in Canada this past March, I've noticed many Pioneer and ADV titles on the market at various record stores. However, to compensate for shipping and customs, the prices were marked up. Most single-disc anime DVDs sell for C$50, which is worth about US$37.50 (SRP in the US is generally US$30). And that's not including the GST or PST (sales taxes).
ADV you can find here for around 30-35$CDN a DVD, Pioneer goes for around 50$CDN a DVD. Funimation I'm not too sure of the prices but I think it's around 35-40$CDN and theses days Bandai DVDs are non-existant in Canada.
And sales taxe is the biggest bitch there is.
06-10-2004, 09:43 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
As for the topic there is no law for the entire world, for example you can't arrest sombody in another country, like the US can't go arrest sombody in Mexico, well the same kind of thing happens here, if that law only exist in that place, as long as you're not in that place you're clear. Someone pointed out earlier thatthey have Region 1 rights, and region 1=US, Hk=region 0 or region free=have no region, so HK are not violating anything. Anyway it would be a violation if you were in the US but like I said the internet is clasified as a Global market, so the thing is if that law exist in the place that the site is located? then you have your answer
Sorry, but I have to contest such misleading statements. There is a world law when it comes to copyright. Every country who joined WTO (World Trade Organization) has agreed to universal copyright rules. A lot of HK dvds used to be made in Taiwan, but ever since Taiwan joined WTO in 2002, they started craking down on HK DVDs. Nowadays we don't hear anything about HK dvds made in Taiwan.
Because just about all the significant countries in the world joined WTO, it is given that the copyright is recognized world wide. In Hong Kong, because China wants to encourge free trade there, there is a "look the other way" policy that allows HK DVDs unofficially. Even then, we hear about MAC getting blitzed by HK police once a while because China has to put up an appearance that they are actually honoring the copyright rule.
In addition. you said that US can't go arrest sombody in Mexico, but one can be sure that Mexico will arrest that person for US. I can only think of three countries in the world which might decline such US request - Iran, Cuba, and North Korea.
06-11-2004, 04:45 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
PS: I apologized personally to Vicious but let me just said that I wouldn't said those things if you didn't say them first, but I'm not making excuses, just to make myself clear maybe when someone writes something is not in the way you're reading it and I think thats what happens in my comment about ADV and thats why the reaction was created. No hard feelings just diferent opinions so I still like y'all![]()
Honestly, I had no idea what you were talking about. I'm rude to so many people, that I forgot what I said to who or what I said to them. I had to go back and reread this thread to see what you were referring to. That statement you made initially was pretty ignorant, so I responded in kind.
As far as what HBK is referring to. You're talking about the copyright treaty or whatever that they all signed at the Berne Convention. Everyone except Hong Kong signed it. So they are allowed to have bootlegs because they never signed the treaty. However, they are not allowed to export those out of Hong Kong. I did some research into this awhile ago because I wanted to find out what the law actually stated. I forgot all the details by now, but those are the basics of it.
06-11-2004, 07:21 AM
Since we're clarifying misconceptions around here about rights and regions I'm just going to toss out this little thing that's been bugging me.
Region 1 and copyright nationality are independant of each other.
Here is a list of the region codes and their associated regions.
0 No Region Coding
1 United States of America, Canada
2 Europe, including France, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, Japan and South Africa
3 Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo and Indonesia
4 Australia and New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America
5 India, Africa, Russia and former USSR countries
6 Peoples Republic of China
7 Unused
8 Airlines/Cruise Ships
This web page HERE talks about the regions and laws associated with them in more detail. In particular it talks about the new Region Code Enhancing (RCE).
For copyright laws, I know of at least one series that was licensed for sale in the US but NOT Canada. I paid a prime dollar to "import" the series from the US only to have the right picked up by a Canadian distributor two years later. At least I was the first kid on the block to have the series.
I must need some sleep... I've started rambling again.
Region 1 and copyright nationality are independant of each other.
Here is a list of the region codes and their associated regions.
0 No Region Coding
1 United States of America, Canada
2 Europe, including France, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, Japan and South Africa
3 Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo and Indonesia
4 Australia and New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America
5 India, Africa, Russia and former USSR countries
6 Peoples Republic of China
7 Unused
8 Airlines/Cruise Ships
This web page HERE talks about the regions and laws associated with them in more detail. In particular it talks about the new Region Code Enhancing (RCE).
For copyright laws, I know of at least one series that was licensed for sale in the US but NOT Canada. I paid a prime dollar to "import" the series from the US only to have the right picked up by a Canadian distributor two years later. At least I was the first kid on the block to have the series.
I must need some sleep... I've started rambling again.