Quote:Originally posted by rugrats1
Does your free box come with the pins?
Yeah. It's the exact same thing as in the stores. Except I won a contest from ADV, so I got it mailed to me straight from them about a month before street date.

Could a list of availible ADV title for sale not be emailed to previous buyers and not be listed on the site so that we could still get HK ADV sets.
Just a thought
Quote:Originally posted by woodson
Could a list of availible ADV title for sale not be emailed to previous buyers and not be listed on the site so that we could still get HK ADV sets.
Just a thought
I just woke up so the above failed to register? :p
Do you mean whether a list of HK ADV titles could be emailed to buyers???
Why don' t u you just pm JJ direct to see if he has any of those in stock instead of him taking all the trouble to email everyone?
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
I just woke up so the above failed to register? :p
Do you mean whether a list of HK ADV titles could be emailed to buyers???
Why don' t u you just pm JJ direct to see if he has any of those in stock instead of him taking all the trouble to email everyone?
@_@ -tries to decode the post- Uh wait, I think all he's asking is if HK sets could not be advertised on the site so ADV wouldn't know about them or something but still be available somehow? Bah...
If he just wants a list of all ADV HK's, they're still listed in the review section. JJ just had to take them off of his 'store' section. They should still all be listed in the 'reviews'. So there is no need for a special email for people like him just because he's too lazy to click the mouse a few times.
Well its not laziness I can find whats on the market what I'm saying is like a sale paper with whats new out and what he has in stock that is from ADV if you still want to continue to sell them.
Its not like there are not other sites were you could probly find them but you would probly have to pay more.
Hope thats clear enough for the mentally challenged out there.
Quote:Originally posted by woodson
Hope thats clear enough for the mentally challenged out there.
-restrains self from quoting Yuki Eiri-
Quote:Originally posted by woodson
Hope thats clear enough for the mentally challenged out there.
Noone is mentally challenged here but you. Let's see . . . 3 different people on here didn't know what you were talking about, including me. And since I know my IQ is higher than yours, it must be you. Try to make sense in your posts next time.
Also, being as JJ does everything by requests anyways, what point does having a list make? But if you weren't a noob who tried shooting your mouth off in your 1st few posts, you might have known that.
If I were you, I'd go do some research and then PM him with a request list. Guess I'm not the one whose mentally challenged here, since I solved that simple problem so easily.
So, the way I see it, you were either lazy, stupid, or ignorant. But any one of those types of people (meaning YOU) really should try to be nicer if they want their questions answered.
DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions only. I am in no way affiliated with this site or it's owners. There is nothing saying that JJ will honor any of that.
Have to put that in there, because you smell like a narc to me. JJ gets a cease and decist letter and 3 days later, you're on here trying really hard to get ADV titles out of him. Seems a little too fishy to me.
I think i saw the list on downloadanime.org there going to alot of sites that both sell and distrubite fansub thats why downloadanime.org is down
Sorry if I hit a nerve.
I was just adding a thought was all don't want to cause any problems but your were the one started the lazy thing.
And I've been on here awhile and spent enough money I was just trying to think of a way for him to make money and me to save some now and for future titles.
Still think you might be a narc . . . . but since you'e gonna try and be civil now.
All the HK DVD's produced should be in the review section. I'm sure JJ will still continue to update that regularly as new stuff is released, whether he carries it or not. There is nothing illegal about having a review section. There's lots of stuff listed there that he doesn't even carry regularly or that has been out of print for awhile and is no longer available.
As far as obtaining those sets . . . that's another matter.
HBK - perhaps, but I like making accusations. :p
EDIT: what happened to your post HBK?
Since Woodson replied, I figured my post wasn't really needed there.
Quote:Originally posted by woodson
Hope thats clear enough for the mentally challenged out there.
Dohz....I havn't been rude and I'm one of the mentally challenged.....
Hell yeah...I admit that I'm mentally challenged all the time but at least people understand my posts........
I understood it and I'm a idiot so thought sane people would what can I say I'm from Kentucky.........laughing
Its my only excuse.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You're a fuckin' idiot. I'm tired of trying to educate the ignorant masses about how they have a right to try and protect what is theirs.
You should adress people more nicely, maube instead of trying to educate people educate yourself with a better behavior. I'm a lawyer and I know the rights of people and companies. If you're from the US and are selling HKs then your breaking the US law, but since HKs are from HONG KONG the law doesn't apply to them only if you sell it in the states, and I believe this site ships from Canada, so technicaly it isn't bad and in the 21st century the internet is consider an international market so it isn't against any law just the one from the country of the site.
PS: Slayers boxset=$129,Slayers Next=$129, Slayers Try=$129 (domestic)=$187
Slayers perfect collection=$63 dollars
So I'm complaining because I don't have that kind of money to spend on an anime (Not all lawyers are rich).