Happy 34th Birthday, bro
I dedicate my 2 new last review I just put up for you
(Shingetsutan Tsukuhime and One Piece Part 2)
Have fun reading them
I wish you happiness on your job and family
Happy birthday old guy
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Looking at all the birthdays we've had in the group over the last week I wonder if there isn't something to that astrology nonsense. Is there something about the alignment of the planets that predisposes people to watch anime? Does being a Gemini equal big anime geek? Or is it more sociological based on how old you are compared to other people in your same grade who you started school with?
Thanks again for the birthday wishes.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Looking at all the birthdays we've had in the group over the last week I wonder if there isn't something to that astrology nonsense.
I'm actually a Gemini as well. My true birthday is June 5. But since I was born overseas, and they're not exactly known for their record keeping, my legal birthday is not for another 4 months.
Happy Birthday!
I feel like I've said that about eighty times by now.
Happy Birthday! Make it a great one.And watch lots or anime.
My wife is cool.
She got me the second volume of the Speed Racer special editions for my birthday. This one has a sound chip in it and the headlights of the Mach 5 light up on the cover.
We watched a few episodes of it together with Katina last night.
Katina and I love the show. Reb can't believe how hokie it seems compared to any other anime she's seen. For me, it's a trip down memory lane.
Happy belated birthday. It is kind of interesting that you now are the same age as the amount of jobs you've had.
Wow, you're getting up there... Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Dude, soz bout late reply, not been on net lately
Happy belated birthday Zgatto. Wish Icould of said this earlier but oh well. Hope you had a
good one.
Happy Bday Zag, in celebration there should be no banning for a week, so everyone go at each other's throats!!!!