What if we had an rp place on the site? I know it sounds cazy and all, but let me know what you think. We could start a thread (or maybe a few) for roleplaying. It may be a little hard, but it is worth a shot.....right? It is another one of my dumb ideas, yes I have confirmed that but I think it would be kind of cool to see how everyone roleplays. It could be anime roleplaying or something. Or roleplaying for whatever people want. Or this could be a thread to just shout out random things and say what you want. Heh. *shrugs* It was worth it I guess. Well in any case, let me know what you think

Well seeing as we had one for like a week then it was deleted I see no point myself in having another one. It was dumb to begin with anyways.
Yeah, we had one, almost two. But the one we actualy had wasn't based on anime.
I myself have half of a pen & paper type RPG planned out, in which you can be anything from a Dunpeal to a Rockman (copy of Megaman). I had DBZ classes in there, but because I used such a techncal system to calculate the damage of their energy blasts (ex: each _ energy = # damage, but is divided by the tens place value of the skill's practice % & you could only use the practice % of your maximum energy for that attack. And with every so many uses it would go up a few points.) so I just removed them.
The furtherest from Anime I went for classes was Star Ocean 2 characters because they were based on the game, not the show, Street fighter characters, for the same reason, & you could be a Wizard like in Magic the Gathering.
I jsut always thought it'd be cool to see something like a Pokemon Trainer vs A Half Vampire
If any body would be interested, & someone might help I'm sure we could pull off any type of RPG.
RP...dohz...girl, is it me or you seem to have a RP complex? First it's cosplay, now it's RP???
I'm just wondering if it were to happen, how many of us would actually bothered keeping up with it?? Hehhehe.......:p

Like Dark said, they did set up an RP forum in here. I think it was like 2 or 3 people going back and forth. Noone else cared about it and those few that did, quickly got tired of it. So I see no point in trying to do that again.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Like Dark said, they did set up an RP forum in here. I think it was like 2 or 3 people going back and forth. Noone else cared about it and those few that did, quickly got tired of it. So I see no point in trying to do that again.
But, now there are more memebers on here who inturn are more diverse. Plus I don't think OpOx's RPG was very creative, there wasn't much room for character custimazation from my understanding.
Plus I'm sure I can get some memebers for it, I'd also help out because even though I'm only on-line every other day & I work my free time is spent either downloading music/manga or playing video games, & once a month I talk to LonelyMonkey; so basicly I'm free & full of ideas.
Chances are it'd fail, but we'll never know unless we try.
I have a conclusion. So far it is ruled that my idea is a piece of *beep* Now, you know when your idea sucks when you had doubts that it would even be something to look at. I had a bad impression about this in the first lace. I should have just gone with it. Well at least this could be used for shouting random things, right? Come to think of it, I wouldn't even keep up with it because I am a lazy bum and pay no attention to anything. It really was a crappy idea. I don't know why I tried. Heh.

So, who is up for shouting random things? Probably no one. Lol.
After reading your last post Batik, I have come to the conclusion that...you are awesome. I don't pay attention to anything either. Maybe that's why I failed Chemistry 3 times waaaay back in High School. If I ever have kids...which would be cool...I will home school them, myself if necessary.

BESM(big eyes small mouth) is better, now that it is set to current dnd rules. its pretty fun to make up your own anime character and play it out. (if you're into that kind of stuff)
Heh. Sounds like a lot of fun. So seeing as how we all agree to disagree, should I just delete this thread? Is it just a waste of space? Heh. I will not expect any replies seeing as how I will probably forget about this post but...you never know. It all depends on if I pay attention to it

I wouldn't delete it. It's a fun one to read.
Random Thing #1: I hate work! Which is where I've got to be in a little while.

Random Thing #2: I'm wearing 3 socks on each foot

Keep Them There Toes WARM!

Alright then, I will not delete it. It is starting to get fun. Hmm... Random stuff. Alright then. I warn you they are not nice.
Random thing: Go Chichiri, Tasuki, and Nuriko!
Another: Oh no, my frind can't find the right colored shoes for his dress!
And another: What do you mean I can't kick the police man in the crotch? What kind of public servant is this guy?