I would hate to see what his children would be like. If they were anything like him, they would be cool to everyone else except eachother. They would have major attidude problems too. Nephews and and nieces? I could do without especially if they are his.
your young , but trust me you wont mind when you get older, you'll be the Cool Aunt who lets em do cool stuff and watch loadsa anime

I guess I would be a cool aunt but it is weird to think of the brother that I knew growing up as a father figure. I have already noticed how grown up he has been acting. He is even going to find a well paying job. I have been nothering him lately. I finally got it out of him. He wanted to be musician/ tech dude. He has already taken college classes for the tech part and has even got his certification for doing all of that tech stuff.
Cool aunt? Maybe. Watch my anime? If they are good little brats then they MAY be able to look at my secret undergrouond chamber of anime :p .