This is a Fun topic i want to know if you can remember something !
1. When did you first start watching Anime ?
2. Where Were you ?
3. What Anime Title was it ?
Answers (from me )
1. It was in 1998, when i was just getting into cartoons even more then i was into that shit on american tv.
2. I was at my friends house. he loved anime and was always drawing characters.
3. Cowboy Bebob and Grappler Baki
the CB was an import title in Jap it was the only title i watched in JAP. i fell in love and its history now! Grappler Baki was a great movie it was awesome in my thought i havent seen it since then it was awesome though i remember !
TELL me your Thought s !
1. arround 96' or 97'
2. Probley at my best friend's house
3. Macross Plus. I had seen a few anime's before, but that was the one that pulled me in. Classic show.
i watched my first anime at home in 1994...
the movie i watched was vampire hunter d
i was 10 or 11 at the time that movie was without a doubt the coolest thing i have ever seen in my lifa at that time coming from somebody who watched ninja turtles and he-man i was amazed to say the least from then on i watched the scifi channnels anime fest every JULY last 5 days each night they would show new animes uncut and unedited....and they would also show anime on saturday mornings too!!!
ever since then i have been hooked on anime.
i remember when the cheapest you could find anime dubbed on VHS was 24.99 and the subbed ones sold for 29.99 and upwards to 34.95!!
thank god for DVD. i look back now and say WTF i paid those high prices way back then??? well my dad did anyway..
ive seen alot of anime over the years.
i will never forget how badass the fist of the north star was
1.99 or 2000 can't remember
2.friend's house
3.princess mononoke was the first but i passed out drunk and didn't finish it. the next day i watch gits, vampire hunter d, and finished princess monoke. between those 3 i was hooked on anime. i then watched trigun, cowboy bebop, and eva. and from there my addiction has spread.
1. when i was about 10 or 11 i guess, so like '95-'96 i think.
2. right here in my basement
3. dragon ball z before it went on cartoon network. it was on regular network television at like 11am on sundays on one of the low rate channels. it eventually turned into the WB. shortly after a few weeks of that, a friend told me that it was anime and showed me ninja scroll. hooked since then.
like... '93 they would show sailor moon on network at 6am before school. that and gi joe. hell yeah.
the first anime i ever watch was saint saiya. i was like 9, and i was in my country, Dominican Republic. i was really impress by it. i like the spanish name better tough. (Caballeros del Zodiaco)
Quote:Originally posted by tarantula
the first anime i ever watch was saint saiya. i was like 9, and i was in my country, Dominican Republic. i was really impress by it. i like the spanish name better tough. (Caballeros del Zodiaco)
Ha I saw that anime also but it was in mexico 6 years ago.
The first anime that I saw was either Tekkaman Blade or Samurai Pizza Cats.
Chicago, 1923. As the only remaining member of the CPD with a sense of righteousness, I was tired of putting up with thugs and crooked cops, so I shipped out of that busted town. Who would have thought that sixteen months later, I'd be back. The only thing on my mind was revenge. It'd be nice to call it justice, but planning to murder a handful of crooked crime bosses isn't the same as planning to take down organized crime. And then I remembered her name. The broad that drove me to kill again. Anime.
Actually, I think I've been into anime since seeing it on TV around 8-10 years ago. However, I didn't really start collecting it/viewing it regularly until a little over a year ago, starting with the purchase of some Miyazaki DVDs and Evangelion at Best Buy.
I was 11 or 12 my friend had some ranma he had gotten from a comic shop. That was the first show I saw and KNEW was not american in any way( exept the dub.....:mad: )
Forgot to add was in around 92' I believe. I'll be 23 in about a month so it was about 12 years! Middle school was a LOOOONG time ago.
1. Knowing it was actually anime - 1993. Without a clue - 1980.
2. Sixth Form/further education.
3. Akira (1993). Battle of the Planets/Gatchaman (1980)
1. Hmm it was 1996 I think
2. I was in my house.
3. First anime I ever seen was Yataman

But I realy start watching anime when I watch Dragon Ball in 1998 on RTL7.
It was 1981 and I was 3, in Peru, my home countr, and it was some horror anime like Dracula and Frankenstein. The following year I started watching Captain Harlock, Marco, and Yamato..... I was hooked after that.
Id have to say about four years ago
Went over to a friends house and we watched gundam wing on Cartoon network. I still love gundam wing to this day.
OK, I'll leave out "Heidi no Alps" and similar stuff that I watched as a kid.
1. 2000
2. In my bed, because the anime aired after midnight on TV
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion (Japanese with German subs)
That was the incentive for my current anime addiction.