I was debating about this for quite some time and I still haven't come to a conclusion. I liked the series and the ending...or did I not like the ending? In order to debate this, I suppose that you must know what happened at the end of the series. And another debate. Which is the better ending? The movie one, or the Series one? Who is to know? I personally like the ending to the tv series better than the movie one ( I have finally made a decision! Yay!) . One thing that made me choose the series ending is because what else..............The great voice actors! Who else agrees that the series voice actors would have been better suited for the movie? And who else thinks that the ending to the tv series is sooooooooo much cooler than the movie one?
do the words
have any meaning!
coz thats what my head screamed

I didn't like the ending at all...I was happy to see Inuki made it ok

Are you kidding? It was a good ending. At least it is compared to the movie ending. By the way, have you seen that?
as long as everyone dies.....as long as it's a tragedy
I like it.....:p

x the movie sucked i hope the tv series is a lot better...
it was better than the stupid ending in the Movie.
Believe me, it is WAY better than the movie. The tv series is pretty good too ^____^.
I just think its funny that the TV series and movie ended, and the manga is still going.
Yeah, I preferred the TV ending too. Awesome series. But the movie just left me feeling rather empty. In fact, the ending didn't register in my mind for a good few minutes while I mused over how Fuuma had just killed a rather unnecessary number of the chi no ryu. ^_~ Dammit Fuuma! //rant...
And about the manga, are they ever gonna get to the last one? I read the english, but I've heard that its been couple of years since the last one came out in Japan. They had better not have given up on it...
Has anyone heard of Tokyo Babylon? Well if you haven't, it is supposed to be a movie that takes place within the X series. You know how Subaru disappears for a while? Well, I heard that this movie is about him! This movie is totally Subaru's story. I saw the manga for it the other day and an add for the movie in Newtype magazine. I am not sure if the movie is out (probably is) but I am going to buy the manga. Remember everyone it is called Tokyo Babylon. Well, good-bye!
well theres two ovas 1 episode each actually and it has lesser quality cuz the ovas were made in like the early 90's 92 and 94 if i remember correctly and it takes place before x the movie about 10 years and it is out it has both ova episodes go grab it somewhere
I am glad you told me. I would probably have never known had it not been for you telling me. I will look for it. Thank you ^__^.
Good series, never saw the movie, but ohh you know that don't you? Now, not to get off subject... but... I AM PISSED OFF HERE OK!? I DON'T GET YOU MINA!!! Normal people, just ignore that. It was directed to Batik.
But really, how could I not figure out Mina? When you got Duo rants and Subaru rants out there, it's obvious. Again normal people, ignore that.