05-22-2004, 05:41 PM
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05-22-2004, 10:39 PM
Clues many. Such precious evidence lying around seems suspicious, no? Such a person with trickery like this would be smarter, yes? Well then. Does it not seem strange that someone would leave so many clues behind? Slowly, slowly leaving their mark. Slowly testing the person who seeks. It is as if...the one who layed the clues out on the table were in a sense...wanting to be found. Slowly but surely they were pieced together and the evidence combined. To form this...how sad it is. This undesired outcome. This waste of space and writing. This. With no way of turning back, there is only one way which is to proceed foward. The final clues must be pieced and tested. Are they really what they seem?
05-25-2004, 08:47 AM
How far does the Rabbit Hole Go?

06-04-2004, 07:52 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
Has anyone heard of Tokyo Babylon? Well if you haven't, it is supposed to be a movie that takes place within the X series. You know how Subaru disappears for a while? Well, I heard that this movie is about him! This movie is totally Subaru's story. I saw the manga for it the other day and an add for the movie in Newtype magazine. I am not sure if the movie is out (probably is) but I am going to buy the manga. Remember everyone it is called Tokyo Babylon. Well, good-bye!
Well to clarify a bit with out spoilers.. Tokyo Babylon centers around Subaru,Seishirou, and Hokoto. It is 10 years before X, and it's 2 ova's. The quality isn't as nice because it was made a little bit after the movie was , and the voice acting leaves you with something to savor. It is well worth buying, and isn't terribly expensive ( I got mine for 12 at best buy). It has shonen ai/ yaoi hints, and the music is great.
And there's 7 manga for the Tokyo Babylon.
I was also under the impression from several trustworthy sites that the X manga was finished with. I do belive it said 18 was the last manga.
06-05-2004, 05:07 PM
Ah, I see. You know your stuff well
. That is cool. *drools over SilverMuraki's name again* Man, I love that series (yes I have said that already but it is one of those things that pops out of your mouth that you can't control). I will just have to put a lock on my mouth for a while, won't I

06-06-2004, 10:00 PM
I enjoyed the ending to the series much more than the movie's ending. The movie's ending was rather anti-climactic, but the series' ending was a lot nicer. One thing I understand but don't understand is why they changed the endings.
Anyway, I also enjoyed the series itself a lot better than the movie. I had already seen the movie before I bought the series, but it was a while back so I went ahead and bought the movie and Tokyo Babylon along with the series. Tokyo Babylon was allright, and it did provide a nice background to Seishirou's and Subaru's pasts.
X TV's animation looked really good too, especially compared to the movie. I also think it was the right amount of episodes. Don't think I would've liked it if it dragged on any longer.
Anyway, I also enjoyed the series itself a lot better than the movie. I had already seen the movie before I bought the series, but it was a while back so I went ahead and bought the movie and Tokyo Babylon along with the series. Tokyo Babylon was allright, and it did provide a nice background to Seishirou's and Subaru's pasts.
X TV's animation looked really good too, especially compared to the movie. I also think it was the right amount of episodes. Don't think I would've liked it if it dragged on any longer.
06-06-2004, 10:12 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
I will just have to put a lock on my mouth for a while, won't I?
do you think you could ever do that?:p
06-07-2004, 12:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SilverMuraki
Well to clarify a bit with out spoilers.. Tokyo Babylon centers around Subaru,Seishirou, and Hokoto. It is 10 years before X, and it's 2 ova's. The quality isn't as nice because it was made a little bit after the movie was , and the voice acting leaves you with something to savor. It is well worth buying, and isn't terribly expensive ( I got mine for 12 at best buy). It has shonen ai/ yaoi hints, and the music is great.
That's the only thing that bummed me out about X was that there was a serious lack of shounen ai. Tokyo Babylon, manga and even the ovas a bit, hint at stuff but the anime..nope. And the movie, I won't even bother to comment on that peice of trash.
The manga has a diff ending than both the movie and manga so I'm curious to know how it will all turn out though I have a theory of my own involving Subby and what he's going to do.
And I think Tokyo Babylon was animated by the ppl that did Blue Gender. And the bad thing about the dub is that they twist around the dialogue so bad. They try to make Subaru sound more tough, Sei sound like he's on narcotics, and Hokoto has an accent...western or something. she says stuff like "I reckon'" ._.
06-07-2004, 01:04 PM
Actually, I don't think that I would be able to shut my mouth...it would take a REALLY big clamp if you know what I mean.
Lol. A western Hokoto. Now I really have to see it
Lol. A western Hokoto. Now I really have to see it

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