Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
What the hell are you talking about? There's two fansubs groups still doing FMA.
what where how?
the group i used to get them off said that all fangroups had stopped
but please do tell me or PM with the fansgroups and websites to where i can get em
havent seen it !
looks cool.
Square Enix has the rights to it and are making a game from it !
cant wait to see it hit the US !
i loved FMP finished it yesterday !
The FMA game's been out for ages in Japan. Totally old news.
wow, just have to say... this is a great show.
I didn't think I was going to like this one for some reason, just had reservations, thought it might be boring or something, but its really really good, definetly deserves the ranking it has at animenfo.
I think i just might have to pull and all night watching session.

well sorry !
they said its new at E3 !
they must be doing a new version for the US !
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
dude its fucken evil to licence a show while its still showing in japan and not even finished coz then the fansub groups stop subbing and distribution and if youve been watching ti like me you'll be dying to know whats gonna happen
Why is it evil? Because you can't DL the episodes for free anymore? You're not helping them make a profit in any way, shape, or form. so why do you think they would even give a damn how you feel about your fansubs?
i know that!
but i'm a Greedy SOB thats hooked on whats gonna happen next!
so screw you all!!!!!!
I want Completion damn it!
I've seen FMA up to 32 and I'd say if you're going to download it after the licensing, get the first 31 from AKeep_ANBU, and 32+ from Aoi-Anime. Those are the best in my opinion, out of all the different fansubbers I've checked out for the series.
Anyways, it's a great series so far, can't wait for ep 33!

Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
well sorry !
they said its new at E3 !
they must be doing a new version for the US !
That just means they're translating it into English. Few things of Japanese origin are ever released first in North America.
Quote:Originally posted by w0lf
I've seen FMA up to 32 and I'd say if you're going to download it after the licensing, get the first 31 from AKeep_ANBU, and 32+ from Aoi-Anime. Those are the best in my opinion, out of all the different fansubbers I've checked out for the series.
Anyways, it's a great series so far, can't wait for ep 33!
whats AoiAnime website or where can i get there links!
Cant be asked to search round if i can just ask

Quote:Originally posted by w0lf
I've seen FMA up to 32 and I'd say if you're going to download it after the licensing, get the first 31 from AKeep_ANBU, and 32+ from Aoi-Anime. Those are the best in my opinion, out of all the different fansubbers I've checked out for the series.
Anyways, it's a great series so far, can't wait for ep 33!
Aoi-Anime much better then the Sonchou subbed ones?
Sonchou seems to have encoding problems, camera pans appear to skip, and there are little things I'm not very fond of such as "Winry" being referred to as "Winly". The translations of both groups appear to be fine to me though.
Heh..i guess I'm a little luckier with downloads coz I can read both Chinese and English. When I couldn't get my hands on English subs....i just go with Chinese. Therefore I have no problems in getting any fansubs.
I normally use emule to download from POPGO.