Happy Birthday
Hope you have a good day and a great year


Happy Birthday kristym22

Wow! Thank you ever so much.Now I know I will have a good day.Kristy
Happy birthday!
Also happy birthday to Legato and the others who never post

with all

Hooray for 18! Tobacco, porn, and consent in all 50 states! Congratulations!
Tobacoo and porn are overatted, but happy birthing day none the less.
Age of consent in Utah is 19.
Happy Birthday Kristy. May the day bring you nothing but pleasure and good will.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Age of consent in Utah is 19.
Happy Birthday Kristy. May the day bring you nothing but pleasure and good will.
Mormons are an exception

I wish you a happy birthday Kristy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I normally avoid posts like this, but the girl sent me a card in our trade!!! So happy birthday and all that jazz.

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I normally avoid posts like this, but the girl sent me a card in our trade!!! So happy birthday and all that jazz.
Hell man...I'm jealous....ahhahahahahahahaahha
Happy Birthday sweetie..*smooches* hahhahaha

Wow you guys are all just so sweet...I had an absolute wonderful day..And it is all thanks to all you wonderful people wishing me one..Thank you ever so much..Oh and I am ever so sorry I should have sent you a card as well.I have been very busy lately..Kristy
Kristy sweetie, I'm just joking.
I'm just wondering, are you really really that sweet?
Keep it up! You are a good child!
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Kristy sweetie, I'm just joking.
I'm just wondering, are you really really that sweet?
Keep it up! You are a good child!
She seemed like it. She is mistaken though because she thought I was a 'nice' person. I had to straighten that out right away though. :mad: