05-08-2004, 05:22 AM
05-08-2004, 07:37 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
She seemed like it. She is mistaken though because she thought I was a 'nice' person. I had to straighten that out right away though. :mad:
I bet if anyone enter your Bedroom they will find an array of
Cuddly Sweet Teddy Bears
With all their heads ripped off and blood splattered every where

(PS i know the spacing will annoy some stupid geek out there, get over it dumbass its only a forum)
05-08-2004, 11:44 AM
Ummm, well I dont think I am all that nice, but when I say I am mean my friends laugh at me and say there is no way you could be mean.Oh! and my room is very colorful and full of lots of anime pictures and yes I do have super cute teddy bears and monkeys.Thank you all for writing me and everything makes me feel very special.And I wish you all a very happy sabbath day and all you mothers out there have a very lovely mothers day....Kristy
05-08-2004, 11:53 AM
Quote:Originally posted by kristym22No Problem. Anything to make you happy
Thank you all for writing me and everything makes me feel very special.

05-08-2004, 02:41 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
She seemed like it. She is mistaken though because she thought I was a 'nice' person. I had to straighten that out right away though. :mad:
:p That's Vicious for you, lol.
Happy b-day Kristy

05-09-2004, 12:03 AM
Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
Ummm, well I dont think I am all that nice, but when I say I am mean my friends laugh at me and say there is no way you could be mean.
You ... mean ... ??? Id find that hard to believe after reading the posts iv read from you so far, that is. You are by far the nicest person I have ever known I do believe. Well I might have you pegged wrong because iv never met you but... that?s the impression I got from reading your posts.
But enough about that sorry for posting late on this one (I haven?t been on in a few days) but Happy Birthday Kristym!!! Hope you got a bunch of cool stuff and had a grate day. Oh and am I correct to assume that you'll be graduating high school soon. Prom dance and all that fun stuffs? Got any plans for after high school? Just curious. Well in any case have fun and enjoy they say this is the best time of life so make the most of it :-) and again Happy birthday!!!
05-09-2004, 11:07 AM
Thank you all for your nice words.No worrys for being late.I would love to talk somemore.Well Allan, I have just finished highschool and I have been homeschooled almost all my life. So that is why I am done already.And I don't especially have any plans for now.I am going to get a job to earn money for college.Oh! and also I could have gone to the dance or prom with my friends but I do not believe in danceing.Thank you all ever so much for takeing the time wishing me a happy birthday and talking with me.Kristy
05-09-2004, 11:23 AM
Hahahaha. you're 'homeschooled girl' from Southpark. there was this girl I used to work with at Circuit City that liked me. and she had been homeschooled too. I'd just call her 'homeschooled girl'. You need to watch that South Park episode if you haven't already. :p
05-09-2004, 11:29 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Hahahaha. you're 'homeschooled girl' from Southpark. there was this girl I used to work with at Circuit City that liked me. and she had been homeschooled too. I'd just call her 'homeschooled girl'. You need to watch that South Park episode if you haven't already. :p
Those homeschooled kids were frightening. My cousins were homeschooled, and they're very strange. My uncle converted to a Born Again Christian and moved to Oklahoma with his family to go to Bible School. Although my cousins are great people and I love to spend time with them, they aren't exactly "normal," nor are they aware of reality.
05-09-2004, 11:32 AM
Quote:Originally posted by BobDoleX
Those homeschooled kids were frightening. My cousins were homeschooled, and they're very strange. My uncle converted to a Born Again Christian and moved to Oklahoma with his family to go to Bible School. Although my cousins are great people and I love to spend time with them, they aren't exactly "normal," nor are they aware of reality.
Yeah, this homeschooled girl I worked with was on the naive side and had no idea of how the real world actually worked.
05-09-2004, 11:47 AM
Well,even though I was homeschooled.My mom has a homeschool education center with like 60 people throughout the day so, I know what reality there is out there.And I am a seventh day adventist christian but that is ok is it not.Oh! and I assure you I am not crazy at all.Unless anyone out there thinks I am.I am only crazy to the person that thinks I am.Anyways thank you again... Kristy
05-09-2004, 02:47 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
Thank you all for your nice words.No worrys for being late.I would love to talk somemore.Well Allan, I have just finished highschool and I have been homeschooled almost all my life. So that is why I am done already.And I don't especially have any plans for now.I am going to get a job to earn money for college.Oh! and also I could have gone to the dance or prom with my friends but I do not believe in danceing.Thank you all ever so much for takeing the time wishing me a happy birthday and talking with me.Kristy
So, is it all dancing you are against, or just modern..."having sex on the dancefloor" type stuff?
05-09-2004, 02:50 PM
I do not dance at all.Do not even no how..Kristy 

05-09-2004, 03:11 PM
I am home-schooled too! But, not all my life. Last year I left school, did work at home. This year I go to school part time to earn college credits in Computer Programming (only for a few hours). Then I go home to learn my other subjects
. I may go back for my senior year though..

05-09-2004, 03:13 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
I do not dance at all.Do not even no how..Kristy![]()
Unfortunately I don't know how to dance either. I lack rhythm.