Well, I'm sitting at my desk at work...which isn't really my desk anymore. They made me move out of my desk this morning!

So, I'm deskless. I'm glad to be about 4 weeks away from leaving though!!
I've loved being on Okinawa and I have completely enjoyed my time here. I will be fairly absent, seeing as we are packing up and getting ready for that wonderfully long plane ride over the Pacific!!
For those of you who don't know, Schultz, Evelyn and I are coming back to the States after 3+ years of being on Okinawa. We are being stationed at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana.

There is a Con in New Orleans in December!
So, JJ, when are you coming to visit?
Good luck with the whole moving thing!

wow, Louisiana is entirely too far for me to want to drive there :p
Isn't Okinawa a little farther than Louisiana though? So, yay, closer Ka-Talliya! (though i don't know her).
Yup Yup, I'll be there ^_^ doing the Mardi Gra thingie hehe...
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
Isn't Okinawa a little farther than Louisiana though? So, yay, closer Ka-Talliya! (though i don't know her).
I'm just happy to be getting off this island and enjoying the wonders of Malls, Super Walmart and 24-hr Grocery stores!!!
You would be happy with just a Super Walmart... Hell so would I since we don't have one here in Minot, North Dakota... But I will be seeing you guys at the Con count on it...
YEAH! It will be an Okinawa Reunion! Tim's going to be around too! Schultz and I have yet to get our orders...go figure! We may never get off this island!
geez, here i am in Chicagoland, and I have no clue what a super walmart is, nor do we have any 24-hour grocery stores...
Wow, I'm from New Hampshire and we have a Sam's Club, Super Walmart, A Shaw's super grocery store...24\7!

I'd rather be somewhere without all these stupid 24/7 chain stores. Sure, it's nice to be able to get in your car at 2am, drive to Walgreen's, and grab some shampoo, but it comes at a price. Traffic around the commercial district is awful, and that area tends to attract all sorts of idiots. I'm not asking for total seclusion, but a region where everyone seems to be in a hurry creates way too much stress.
I have lived on a Tropical Japanese island in the middle of the Pacific for the past 3+ years. The stores off base focus ion the small frames of Japanese females, not your average American girl.
I don't have the oppertunity to leave and go to Walmart 2 hours away...2 hours in any direction puts me in the Pacific Ocean!!
I love living in a rural area, but I like to at least have the choice to visit 24/7 Grocery stores. Remember, we don't always work 9-5...sometimes it's 9am-9pm!!

i wish i could go to okinawa, they all seem to love it in anime shows
It's a wonderful place to visit. Beautiful beaches, great resorts and lots of history.
However, after living in the states for 18 years, and being used to the convience of it, Okinawa is a bit hard to get used to. I've ended up buying everything online. Hell, I even bought our fake Christmas Tree from Walmart.com!!