If funimation are such decievious bastards about their anime practices why are they still a reputable company here in america. I 'm sure if the genreal public knew to the what they've been doing to anime they would be branded evil. America realy has something big stuck up it's ass. I'm sure watching dragon ballz it's purest form won't cause the develop ment of crazed psychopaths. Funimation is a good example how america "fixes things" before they get the comsumers hands.
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
If funimation are such decievious bastards about their anime practices why are they still a reputable company here in america. I 'm sure if the genreal public knew to the what they've been doing to anime they would be branded evil. America realy has something big stuck up it's ass. I'm sure watching dragon ballz it's purest form won't cause the develop ment of crazed psychopaths. Funimation is a good example how america "fixes things" before they get the comsumers hands.
Everyone knows it.. It is because kids watch toonami and such. They make a lot of money off of it... They do not care about people who want to see the real deal. Unless.. You fork out lots of money for the R1s which still are crappy.
Everyone knows it.. It is because kids watch toonami and such. They make a lot of money off of it... They do not care about people who want to see the real deal. Unless.. You fork out lots of money for the R1s which still are crappy.
This is why I don't like the american way. They fix everything before they give it to us. They do this to things that doen't need to be fixed damn damn damn! I'm american but I'm from hawaii and everyone knows that Hawaii isn't really part of the unted states but because it's the perfect place to put a militray base they went and took over hawaii. It's just like america to do something like that. They put their nose where it's not wanted
Great. Another R1 bashing thread on an HK forum. Several things here.
A. Get your facts straight if you're gonna rant about stuff.
B. Why not go complain on an R1 board if you really want to make a difference?
If you're not supporting the R1's, then what right do you have to complain? You don't. You're only complaining because of your R1 rips. If you don't see the irony in that, then I can't really explain it to you.
I'm tired of arguing in these threads where some idiot on an HK forum is gonna go and make assumptions (decievious bastards about their anime practices) about an R1 company that they never had any intention of buying from in the 1st place.
the DBZ DVDs by Funi are uncut. I think they even have the Japanese Episode cards. I compared the DVDs i had to my fansubs and they matched up episode for episode and had a correct time length. Pioneer DBZ DVDs are the ones that are cut.
vicious, if i was still making lists, you wouldve just made #1.
an antagonist after my own heart.
i knew id eventually learn to like you =)
Funimation is actually a great studio. I think they've done a fantastic job with Fruits Basket, Blue Gender, and now, Kiddy Grade. They have some extremely talented voice actors and a great staff in general. They cut titles like DBZ because they have to in order to air them, and because their primary clients for the DBZ DVDs are going to be the fans of the broadcasted DBZ, it makes sense that they keep the DVDs cut.
Also, because shows liked DBZ are dubbed with broadcast revenue as a priority, it is often too costly to go back and redub the cut portions of the show. Think Cardcaptors. With the staff from the second movie, Card Captor Sakura could have a great R1 uncut dub, but I don't see one until a possible HD DVD release (as 1 or 2 DVDs to cut down on the massive disc count) under some sort of "special edition" or "remaster" banner.
Don't blame the studios if they're trying to make money. It's like complaining to Ford about the lack of luxury features in a Taurus.

I did buy from funi once upon a time then I out what they were doing to their releases I felt like I was buying 90 % of the actual product. I have every reason to complain. I just feel that when someone cuts apart a whole picture you only see an incomplete pictue. I funi says something like, we cut the film but the story wasn't hurt. Who are they to know or say those kinds of things. The full film was intended to be the way the director wanted it to be, not by funi's standards.
I think Funimation is an "Ok" company because they make some of the best dubbings, for example in an Anime Magazine I read, Fruits Basket was number one for best dubbing. I think Funimation does a good job, but their prices were very outrageous, for example about 1 year ago the last volume of Fruits Basket was 28 dollars. That would be the price you would pay with the discounts taken off already. but they lowered it. Dragonballz is a cool show, but scenes had to be cut in order to broadcast for kids to watch. Don't blame them for trying to protect kids from the violence.

They make some of the best dubbings and they put a lot episodes on the dvds like Fruits Basket had 6 episodes on it. My most favorite R1 companies are ADV, Pioneer, and Funimation. These three companies do really good jobs on their dvds. The worst company in my opinion is Viz. They do terrible dubbings that might make your ears explode for example Ayashi No Ceres had TERRIBLE dubbing lol:mad:
Quote:I think Funimation does a good job, but their prices were very outrageous, for example about 1 year ago the last volume of Fruits Basket was 28 dollars. That would be the price you would pay with the discounts taken off already. but they lowered it.
They make some of the best dubbings and they put a lot episodes on the dvds like Fruits Basket had 6 episodes on it.
Which was the reason why Fruits Basket was so expensive (with an SRP of $40), as they had 6 or 7 episodes per DVD.
Though on the other hand, there are many series from other companies that generally have one less episode per DVD (5 episodes), yet have an SRP of $30.
I believe I will refrain from this one.
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
I did buy from funi once upon a time then I out what they were doing to their releases I felt like I was buying 90 % of the actual product. I have every reason to complain. I just feel that when someone cuts apart a whole picture you only see an incomplete pictue. I funi says something like, we cut the film but the story wasn't hurt. Who are they to know or say those kinds of things. The full film was intended to be the way the director wanted it to be, not by funi's standards.
and which DVD are you refering to?
Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
The worst company in my opinion is Viz. They do terrible dubbings that might make your ears explode for example Ayashi No Ceres had TERRIBLE dubbing lol:mad:
The companies themselves don't do the dubbing, but hire different companies to do it for them. Now Viz being the worst, what the hell? What about Ranma, Inu Yasha, Maison Ikkoku, Mermaid Scar, Please Save my Earth, I could go on. All companies share in the bad dubbing scene sometimes. Even ADV and Pioneer have bad dubs too like Elcia, Battle Angel Alita, Devil Hunter Yohko, and I may be alone here Trigun!
From my experience, most people on HK forums that bash R1 companies are generally just looking for a reason to justify them buying the HK's instead. So they can be like ' . . . and that's why I don't support Funi, but buy the HK's instead'.
The only thing that gets to me about Funi and Viz is that they stick 3 episodes on a disc. That's the one thing I will not support, especially on a super long series like InuYasha. I am buying Kiddy Grade despite the episode count because they dropped the price on the discs and it's only 26 episodes.
Evilomar is right. The companies outsource the dubbing. With the exception of ADV, because they use their own dubbing studio (IS&M) for 80% of their stuff. With all those dubs, some are bound to be not so good. the example you used (Ayashi No Ceres) is also an older title. Dubbing in the US has improved greatly over the last few years.
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Even ADV and Pioneer have bad dubs too like Elcia, Battle Angel Alita, Devil Hunter Yohko, and I may be alone here Trigun!
For Pioneer.. Mahoromatic. I really couldn't stand listening to David Umansky play Suguru after just finishing Love Hina!
I personally like Trigun's dub... but we all have our opinions
