Is this true or some unsubstantiated rumor? I read that on the funi sets they have uncut english episodes and uncut japanese dubbed sets. I would just like to confirm these rumors as true or false.
They started with the uncut dvds and added subs with a japanese track later on in the series. They don't have that one the first saga or so...
I think the db posts are kinda getting a bit overboard too by the way. This was kind of a useless post. Your getting the MI sets anyways :p
The FUNi sets have restored color and don't look the same as the original dbz episodes in japan.
but I'm just searching for information. If I sound redundant, I apologize, I'm just trying to reseach the topic. Thank you for your imput.
Sorry if I came off mean.. I just don't want someone to come back and say we are creating too many db topics

buffgod .a friend of my owns some of the frieza saga dvds and yes they are dual language with subs but it says theyre uncut but they edited some of it like for instance the amount of blood in it has been cut out and reduced to smaller quantities..
take that shot jaded god posted of freeza stabbing krilling with his horn notice how blood flys everywhere in your shot??well on the funimation uncut dvd there is nowhere near that much blood on his freeza dvd the blood just runs down his back thats a funi uncut for you...
the dbz MI's are truly uncut judging by the screens you posted i will get a better comparison of them when my dbz mi's come 2'3'4'5..
trust me you aint missing nothing with the funi's supposed uncut version..
Those sons a bitches! how can Funimation get away with calling it uncut when it's still cut. Can you say false advertising. My amount of hate has increased for funimation. I really don't like the mainland americans messing with the original's. It's no wonder that they gave JJ those cease and desist requests, they didn't want the general public to see what they did to the show. They should all be cut with a butter knife. If someone one doesn't start a Funimation bashing tread soon I will.
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
Those sons a bitches! how can Funimation get away with calling it uncut when it's still cut. Can you say false advertising.
From my understanding Cartoon Netwrok used to do this. They would claim that anime showed on the Toonami Midnight Run was uncut, when in many cases it was still cut, just not as badly.
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
They should all be cut with a butter knife. If someone one doesn't start a Funimation bashing tread soon I will.
I've accidently cut myself with a butter knife.:o

It's more of a rope burn effect, but anyways.
I hope the movies done by Pioneer are in fact uncut...those are the only ones from the series I bothered spending lots of cash on.
is it just me or does it look like pioneer cut some blood out of the tree of might movie??
the tree of might is my favorite dbz so far as its the first one i seen..
if anyone owns the import of the tree of might but not the R-1 rip of it could you tell me or us that pioneer cut some of it out or left it intact??
i own usa tree of might it says uncut but i suspect it has been edited some what..
please clear this up for me!!
I did comparisons of the FUni DVDs, and my old fansubs. THey were more or less scene for scene. You're going to have to show us some picture proof of what you're talking about.
Buffgod, you're really jumping the gun on this one.
no buffgod is right. And even disregarding the scenes. The colors, the brighter fixtures and such on the funimation dvds don't look a thing like the original.
Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God
no buffgod is right. And even disregarding the scenes. The colors, the brighter fixtures and such on the funimation dvds don't look a thing like the original.
Original what? VHS? TV broadcast? Cels? MI DVDs?
THe Funi DVDs are taken from the beta cassettes that Bird gave them. They are not the same as the DVDs in the Dragonbox because Bird actually remastered tapes and tweaked the colors. THe color scheme is irrelevent considering every TV outputs a DVD slightly different, and everyone has their color settings slightly different anyways. With a little tweaking, you can get the images to look quite different. In my case, I took the MI Eva DVDs that were slightly washed out, and tweaked the colors to look almost exactly like the remastered DVD set (at least from the screen caps I found when it was released).
As for the censored scenes, they aren't. It's all there and intact. There was a report that the English uncut broadcast version is different than the Japanese version, in which case, he may be right, but as far as the original japanese version, it's all there. There's no way they can cut up the Japanese version without really bad syncs with music and voices (such as a song playing then stuttering, because they just took a 3 second chunk out). Stop bitching about it, it's all there.
kak you obviously don't know what your talking about. Obviously the dub track has different music than the original.. That crap that Bruce Falconer produced.. His semi rock techno deal doesn't work.
The FUNi dvds look like they just made the series. They should have stuck with the original way and kept the episodes with grain.
Oh yea not to mention that they finished the english dbz at 276 and the japanese ended at 291. They cut out the cell games saga.
So your going to tell me they are the same?
yes I am, they have two different tracks. One video track for the Japanese cut and the other for the English Cut. THey maintained the Japanese Episode count in the end. As I've said before, I checked the DBZ DVDs to my fansubs, they line up. it's obvious you don't know what you're talking. Sounds like you're making broad assumptions. Have you even watched a Funi DBZ DVD? It would seem like you haven't. They don't simply just have the video and an English and Japanese audio track. As I've said before, and I will re-iterate, the Japanese and English versions are different! They have BOTH versions on the DVDs. THe JAPANESE VERSIONS ARE INTACT!
Ok for starters if people know.. Most of the Original Dbz's as 1-54 i think it is where actually done by Pioneer not Funimation.. and Pioneer are the ones that Cut the the shit outta dbz to get to the 15 episodes missing.. The only dvd that Funimation has released in teh freza saga is the one where goku goes super saiyain.. So all the beginning episodes are but and not by Funimation.. to look at funimations it is Andriods saga and above.. But i still think they cut some parts out but i would have to double check.. well parts with cell anyways..