what is the best series to start on ?
im not to into mech stuff but ive been really enjoying Gundam Seed on cartoon network. can anyone suggest a starter gundam series that has a good story with the mech side of the title.
also im thinking i might start with Gundam Wing.
let me know your thought soon.
Well if you haven't seen alof of Gundam I suggest you check out this page here. It will help you out trememdously in understanding Gundam, the Gundam timelines, what AU and UC are.
You have seen AUs (Alternate Universe) Gundam. There are UCs (Universal Century) which I highly recommend you view. They have superior plot, character development, etc.
Right now I would suggest to you viewing Gundam 08th MS Team. It is a 12 ep and 1 compilation movie series that is really great if you are getting into Gundam. It is a great UC with action, romance, and a great story.
i all i can say is gundam wing is AWESOME!
i think if you played the psone game XENOGEARS you will have a blast watching gundam wing i mean the simalaritiey between xenogears and gundam wing were cool to say the least..
it reminds of when the guy with the mask forgot his name zech's maybe?? got a hold of that huge white one. it was like when bart found his omnigear in xenogears..
and i think one of the coolest gundams on GW is the souped up deathscythe its totally badass!!
its a must buy!!!!!!
Hm... there is an error in the Gundam info. SEED is 50 episodes, not 52. There was a 2 week gap where there were no episodes, but fans were counting those weeks as if they were episodes anyhow. SEED Ran for a total of 52 weeks [from start to finish] but there were gaps, so yes, only 50 episodes. There is, however, a 5 minute OAV, and 6 episodes of Compilation episodes, which recap the entire series with new scenes [45 minutes a piece, only 1 and 2 are out.]
personally I like to start series from the beginning. gundam 0079 isn't that bad actually. although 0079 isn't the most artistic it sure has a kick arse plot for a anime that old. for if I start from the beginning I can enjoy later developments of the story but there is nothing wrong with starting on the parts you like.
Quote:Originally posted by Jinpun
Well if you haven't seen alof of Gundam I suggest you check out this page here. It will help you out trememdously in understanding Gundam, the Gundam timelines, what AU and UC are.
You have seen AUs (Alternate Universe) Gundam. There are UCs (Universal Century) which I highly recommend you view. They have superior plot, character development, etc.
Right now I would suggest to you viewing [b]Gundam 08th MS Team. It is a 12 ep and 1 compilation movie series that is really great if you are getting into Gundam. It is a great UC with action, romance, and a great story. [/B]
As Jinpun said... Gundam 08th MS Team, I would check that one out if I were you. It is only 12 episodes and 1 movie so it shouldn't take you long

well to be honest the only one ive seen to completion is Wing!
therefore wing
but ive not seen all the other gundam series (all gizziloin of em) fully yet
Gundam 8th MS Team
Gundam 0079
Gundam 0080
Gundam 0083
Gundam Char's Counter Attack
The rest of the Gundams are pretty lame BUT....there are 2 or 3 I've yet to see. They're spittin' em out like pokemon nowadys.
as dark osamu said.
V Gundam
Z Gundam
ZZ Gundam
Turn A Gundam
most importantly you must avoid G Gundam. that thing is evil.
and i heard SEED on CN got a lot of editing.
you can also read the review on the review section.
I suggest Gundam 0083. I think that has to be my favorite out of what I have seen. It has a good mix of all the stuff I look for in a series.
How'd ya'll forget Char's Counterattack?
for those who like AU, u'll love UC
for those who love UC, just stick with UC!
The best Gundam depends on what you're looking for. As you say you want story, then of course go with something heavy on the story, which would be 0083 Stardust Memory, simply because well, that's in stock right now. You COULD get G Gundam, but....yeah...don't.
Stardust Memory isn't all that heavy on story. It's 13 episodes of 2D characters [in personality] and was a ripoff of CCA in many ways. If you want something heavy on story, the original [0079] or Zeta.
which series is better :
G gundam or Gundam Wing ?
im going to get one of those just not sure of which one to get !