Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
And it is very hard to pick favorites..I like almost all anime..kristym22
Me too! Of the anime's I own not one I dislike (and some I bought without prior viewing)!
Yeah baby I sure do love anime.To bad no one else in my family does.And there is nine other family members then me how sad.

hmm, i guess youd qualify it as a sci-fi/mecha/action/drama.
evangelion. its all about evangelion.
i also have an unfortunate gravitation toward what i like to call "badass" animes. you all know what im talkin about, where the main character is a nearly undefeatable badass who faces a series of increasingly powerful opponents until he finally faces off against his equally powerful arch rival with whom he has some kind of connection from his past.
ya know- hellsing, trigun, cowboy bebop, vampire hunter d, and of course, ninja scroll.
Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
Yeah baby I sure do love anime.To bad no one else in my family does.And there is nine other family members then me how sad.
That's alright... same with me (my sister only likes a few, but other than that she hates it). I like watching anime by myself because it is something I can watch alone and be at peace. But it is nice to enjoy it with someone. My friends don't like anime though!
Has any one in your family shown an interest

? Or do they scold anime :mad:?
Well my mom watched Totoro once with me and liked.My Dad does not care for animated shows.My Older Brother likes DBZ and thats it.My Sister likes Lain Serial Experiments.Another sister makes fun of me because I like Anime and calls it OH! that Anime Shhhh - It yeah! And no one else even cares they say oh thats nice when I talk about Anime.So I am by myself with the whole anime thing...

but I have one friend that loves Anime as much as I do. She is just always busy.And I have some semi anime fan friends,but they live in a different town.....kristym22.....Thanks....

In my family I am the only one who even likes anime. My mom thinks they are all kids shows. One time I was watching Ai Yori Aoshi, my mom was like OMG why is there nudity in there. She really hates anime because of "nudity". However I disagree. I find anime very cute and adorable.

:p :p
is ai yori aoshi good? what is it about?
Generally, romance, horror(ie supernatural, vampire) genre but if a title has good plot or good character development, I'll buy it.
I like Action and Comedy the best. My tastes are always changing as I get into more and more things but my two fav. right now are:
Fist of the North Star
Several years ago like Freshman or Sophomore year in H.S. I was really, really, really into Evangelion.
I used to be really into Sailormoon and Tenchi. When I only knew about those two animes but now I am into alot of anime...Kristym22
Yeah, I am so happy I added a quote and an avator...hehehe..so cute

Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
Yeah, I am so happy I added a quote and an avator...hehehe..so cute
I like your avatar... it's Chii right?
Yeah, Its chii from chobits

How is Chobits? I haven't seen it... I'll possibly get it when a perfect collection comes out..
I saw two volumes of the r1 of chobits. It is a really cool shoujo anime. However it is kinda ecchi because they show a lot of panty shots and it just gets crazy. I can;t wait till the perfect collection comes out! I hope it doesn;t have heavy pixelation like Gatekeepers. -_- that was sad!
Chobits should be out soon...maybe next mth. Hehe...I didn't get pixelations on my Gatekeepers sets, or maybe I didn't notice it. :p