steve's bologna sandwich, it made me hungry?? :twisted: :twisted:
Oh, ok. *hands you two forks* *points to Steve* Have at him!
ewwwwww, he lied he's not a fruit pie he blood pie ewwwwwwwwww!!!!
thats not right!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
What's wrong with blood pie?????? *shows vampiric teeth* Muwahahahahaha *leaps at Steve*
thats all I can muster!!! :twisted:
Do you have a problem with Vampires (Vampyrs)?
No we have a problem with dazed punks who want to be vampires after watching The Rock Horror Picture Show. :mrgreen: I'm assaulted online. Wonderful.
A, I'm not a punk; B, I didn't say I wanted to be a vampire, or vampyr.
Just kidding man. Though seriously lay off The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Soon you'll think Transylvania Transvestites are cool.

I knew you were probably joking. I mean come on I can lifts twice as much as you & I run 777 miles everyday. If you offended I could (all of the above are lies) run for cover & hide under a rock.
*bows down to the king of all posting sluts* All Hail Steve the Talking Pie
That won't be necessary. Just carry a Louisville Slugger. The weapon of choice for 5/6 thugs.
I don't know what that is :? :? :? :?
It's a type of wooden bat. All the top thugs use it. Maybe you should have played Little League.
Hopefully, considering how this thread is nothing as it should be, they won't mind me answering.
I never had time, nor the transportion.
***Everthing beyound this post is tottal BS. If you're looking for meaningful post, they won't be here. Steve's monkeys have now taken over this thread.*** (if that's ok with yall)
great... now we have monkeys running the show...
A monkey in a turban oh what can it mean.
There's only one thing to do.