I placed an order for the One Piece movies and Tekkaman Blade and got it seven days later and I paid with a money order :lol: cant wait to place another order I got to get the next part to One Piece man i am hopelessly addicted to that show 8O 8O
I'm really going to have top check that series out. From now on I'll start using money orders. I guess it's that much quicker. ^_^
Trigun arrived saturday & i watched it almost all the way through (it gave me headaches trying to read the subs every now & then), but I fell a sleep later that night at about 6:00 in the morning while on the fifth disc. It has to be the best anime I've ever seen. Although one thing I didn't understand was I didn't get the MI version, which was what I ordered, it said it was by Anime Cartoon. Don't really understand that but it doesn't matter any way. Stupi me, I found out way it said that, but I still a little confussed. An what really sux is I can't go & rewatch the series because of homework

:x Damn I hate school & honors algebra! they keep me from having a life (although the people at school blame that on anime :evil: )
I think MI was Anime Cartoon.... (correct me if I'm wrong)
.. and I would have went for the FX set, if I were you. R1 rip subs, plus the English dub...
Agreed. Plus you're crazy for watching that much anime at once. Is it Algebra 1 or 2? 1 wasn't that bad. You'll go absolutely crazy when you hit calculus.
Damn...this topic is still going....
The FX Trigun is nice but I still don't like the "digital" Font
What I hate is the stupid postal people aren't bright enough to take my package to the apartment office instead of leaving it right outside my door.
The Post Office is pretty slow. Nothing you can do about it though. ^_^
Kind of late to be repling to that one message, but it was algebra honors I (1) Whick is hard if you're idiot like me

. Don't really know how I got in honors, but that's just my luck I guess. :?
One Piece will be released on R1. It has been liscensed by Funimation. Hopefully they'll do a good job. That's right all 100+ episodes.

Steve, although I haven't read everything on this post, where did that subject come from?
Also, have your post often follow mine, & mine yours <.< >.> it's like a mind game. Muwahahahahahaha
<----------Idiot, please ignore him!
I was directing it more towards Mr. Yama.
I think you post after me. Sadly look at my post total. It's pretty sad. I have more than JJ. It's pretty bad, but it's OK because everybody on here rocks, so it's a great place to come.

So I posted after you, then you poste after me. That means you're following my post! Muwahahahahahahahahahahaha
I'm longer longer an idiot, i'm mentalgsbjsasajgsar. Yes, a word I have now created infrort of all of your eyes little kids (who are older than me).
<--------Idiot (Am not) Are to (AM NOT!) R!
Kids, who are older. That's rich.

I used to have a ba habbit of calling everyone, & everything Kid I even called my pets Kid, for no reason, & acording to some of the people at my school, all people who watch anime are really fu*ked up in the head, or little 3 year olds. But, they all, & I stress ALL watch Spounge Bob Square Pants (which I think sux the big one). SBSP isn't anime, it's worst than their opinions of the world. And I firmly believe the Ham Hams could wipe Spuge Bob out.
"Ready Ham Hams... Strike!"