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So were did u come up with your username. Mine is a combination of letters from my real name and the #'s are from when I tried to come up with a username along time ago but someone already had my # 8 so I added another 8 to it. This is so random, FCK it!
When I was a lot younger and the only anime I knew and liked was DBZ I thought the word anime, was pronounced animee not animay, so I thought I was all cool and made a AIM screename AnimeInMe thinking it rhymed and such. And it just stuck...
Mine is the name of a character in my favorite book, and he happens to be a magician. Also on a sidenote character I refer to is my avatar.
My name is Matthew and I was born in Malaysia.

I have such a vivid imagination.

came from a Japanese Dictionary a friend of mine had when he was taking it in High School.
Mine is obviously from DBZ's Gohan. I used to watch it all the time in 8th/9th grade, and it became my aol sn (granted that one was misspelled) The 32 is from the 32-bits in a PSX.
'Prophet' and 'Hero' is the meaning/translation of my real first and second names.
When I lived in the dorms, the girl across the hall from me was named Natalliya. I added a K and a hyphen. End of story.
My name was explained once in the Kakoi thread... But to keep it short it means lord of darkness when you get down to it.
mines is quite obviously from the character in rurouni kenshin, i wanted yakumo (3x3 eyes) but someone already had it Sad
my name is random Metier , tired meteor but it was taken on aol(the dark days) i think i added the 9 because of DS9 was on.....

I fact i leant about 1 month ago is my name is Job in french.

Metier = Job.
Well I was playing D&D with some buddys and my friend Nate said here use my Charcter. A knight from Camelot named "Morgorath" I aslo found out that he had an AOL account with that same handle. I stole the whole thing, for 5 dollars. And a nickle bag.
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
'Prophet' and 'Hero' is the meaning/translation of my real first and second names.

My first name translates to 'happy', but that doesn't seem to suit me or my personality.

Vicious is a character in Cowboy Bebop and as an adjective it also is a good description of my personality.
NYxCALM is...


x = tag spacer

CALM = Speaks for itself... Big Grin
Batz Kage....
A long while back, before I knew Butz from FF5 was also called Batz, I took his name & added the a for the u, because I thought it sounded cooler.

Kage- Japanese for Shade or whatnot.

Batz the Kid of Kage (Batz Kid Kage) was the name of a character that appeared in many of my short storys, & sooner ot later, I shortened it down to Batz Kage.

Lately I've been considering changing it to BKRip or Youkai Deimos: Batz Kage Rest In Peace/basicly Demon Demon, but I've got so many memories in this account name that I decided not to change.

Also, my first two accounts on this forum were BakaBoy, & some other one I don't remember, & the meaning of that one should be obvious.
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