Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
I was gonna joined the anime club in school but I realised that those shows that they show at the meetings....I've watched most of them already. I think that I have more anime than them....
The worst thing is, I finish class at 11am the day they are having meeting (3pm). Man..i dun want to stay in school for 4 hours, neither do I want to drive back to school. LAZY and I hate driving with the traffic...
I get home from school at 10:45 everyday and I end up driving back at 2:00 to go to anime club. But, I see what your saying with seeing most of the anime... this is the exact reason no more Otaku's come to the club. Plus, we lost most members because we don't watch anime all the time. The only reason the other two members besides me goes anymore is because there my friends and they hang out at my house after anyway! The two of them don't even like anime that much.
This is my thread about anime club:
My university has a club and it seems to be pretty big but I never bothered joining.
Their showings are on saturday nights, no way I'm going to go to school on a saturday night under any circumstances unless I have to so an exam.
I dunno if I'll even be going to a university, so I doubt I'll ever be in an anime club. I wanna go to DigiPen, in Washington, to learn to make video games. Ever heard of it? If I could become a video game programmer or something, and learn Japanese, and work for Square (or now I think it's SquareEnix or something, right?) that'd be great. GO FINAL FANTASY!

Yeah, I've heard of DigiPen... that's where I want to go! I am earning college credits for computer programing right now. I still have to look around at colleges where I'd like to go, but I am already able to make some homemade games.
If you want to make video games start as soon as you can by taking programming classes in high school (if you can). And make sure your good at math, some of the programming I've done would be impossible without the help of math.
Well, my plan for getting in is:
Take lots of high level math classes.
Keep mentioning I'm in IB (International Baccalaureate). According to my teachers/upper classmen, colleges really look at that because it's recognized worldwide.

Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
But, I see what your saying with seeing most of the anime... this is the exact reason no more Otaku's come to the club. Plus, we lost most members because we don't watch anime all the time. The only reason the other two members besides me goes anymore is because there my friends and they hang out at my house after anyway! The two of them don't even like anime that much.
The teacher in charge does not mind whether all the meetings are used for screenings.
I looked at their schedule of screenings such as Haregan, Kurogane etc, the newer animes from Japan. They are like 10 episodes behind what I've watched from d/ls. They are just starting to screen Tsukihime which I've already finished watching 2mths ago?
No way am I going to drive all the way back to school to watch what I've seen before. :p
ive not got an anime club at my uni and as thinking of setting one up but never did cos i am to busy with Bandsoc and Punksoc though i would have loved to have sarted animeSoc
thereis a anime club in my Notts city and its absloute crap!!! i could do a better thing with my limbs tied and eyes shut. all they show is Eva evry other week and lovehina and alway playing its classics eg akira!
and thats about it its just a viewing service
asbolute crap!