dude your bro need a slappin if he dont like anime aswell
get a job is fine or go to university and a get a loan and use that for DVD's then all you gotta worry about is paying it off when your older (d'oh)
though i had a coupla jobs , my coarse is to hard now to allow me a job and i'm a lazy mo fo this year!
I used to work 20-25 hours a week when I was like 12-13 years old at my dad's store in the summer time and he used to give me 20$ a week. I thought I would get more but he would say minus living expenses and food.
And rewards for getting good grades, forget about it. Every time I got an A my parents would say why didnt you get an A+.
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
And rewards for getting good grades, forget about it. Every time I got an A my parents would say why didnt you get an A+.
Hehe....I guess I was lucky then, where I live, we follow the British grading system. There are not +++ behind the grades. It's just A, B, C, D, F. A is 95 and above, B is 85-94 and so on. Tough for us though to get A.
When I graduated with my double degree in English Language and Sociology, I taught in an elementary school. I had 2 other jobs as a tutor after school and a weekend job at the race track ($13/h + bonus for every extra race the horses had, bascially out of the 6 hours there, only 1 or max 2 hours we were busy since I was working in the VIP/horse owners section.)
Every end of the month, heehhehe I'm "super rich" for a fresh graduate. Believe it or not, I actually GAVE my mum 70% of my pay. Good girl huh?

The only thing I feel bad about now is splurging on the animes. I just ordered almost $500 worth of R1s last night. Should have saved up the money and help pay for my bro's university education in Australia..............whatever.........

Quote:Originally posted by pugmagician
Damn you where one lucky SOB :p, I know I never got even close to what you got when I was a kid.
Hehe....Puggy, I'm not lucky. I only have exams twice a year. Heheh...but I had like 11 - 13 classes back in high school. Tests weren't counted. Max As I got in exams were like 8 out of 11?? I hated Math, Physics, History etc.
I think I was getting $15 a week back then coz food in school cost only $0.50-$1.
Ever since I moved here 3 years ago for school, I couldn't get use to the life of just doing part-time work. Man.....can't get use to the little amount of money I'm earning right now. I have so many anime dvds I want to buy but I have to try really hard to not spend my rent on them. Before, at home after I graduated, I was never out of money or had to worry about it.....
P.S Ehhh...maybe it shouldn't be asked here but anyone knows if the Trading Board allows selling along with trading of dvds? Don't want JJ to get mad.
I can't wait till I'll get my job! No flippin' burgers for me! My dad got me a job working on one of those air boats (the things with the giant fan in the back that go really fast). Hehehe, not only will I get anime, but I'll get a tan too!
As for watching Mahoromatic with my mom...HAHAHA! She judges everything by the cover (I had to let her read the description of Steel Angel Kurumi). I really shouldn't even be buying those because of the nudity...gotta watch them at night I suppose...
Quote:Originally posted by Legato
As for watching Mahoromatic with my mom...HAHAHA! She judges everything by the cover (I had to let her read the description of Steel Angel Kurumi). I really shouldn't even be buying those because of the nudity...gotta watch them at night I suppose...
I loved Kurumi, but I wouldn't suggest watching it with your mom. There's nudity all over the place in that series.
Quote:Originally posted by Legato
As for watching Mahoromatic with my mom...HAHAHA! She judges everything by the cover (I had to let her read the description of Steel Angel Kurumi). I really shouldn't even be buying those because of the nudity...gotta watch them at night I suppose...
I watch everything at night... even if there is nothing inappropriate. No one else in my family cares for anime, except my sister who likes Love Hina. I am trying to get my dad to watch Rurouni Kenshin. He will eventually...
I was trying to bribe my dad into watching Cowboy Bebop The Movie, but there is the Faye fan service scene...maybe 2 episodes would be better.
As for the rest of my family, mum pretty much hates animation of any kind and my sister only likes Sailor Moon, and would like Tokyo Mew Mew but there are no dubbed import sets that I could find...
I'm glad Kurumi is good! Nudity all over the place, eh? Sounds good! I needed some good fan service/comedy animes...all of mine are so serious (Evangelion, RahXephon).
Quote:Originally posted by Legato
I was trying to bribe my dad into watching Cowboy Bebop The Movie, but there is the Faye fan service scene...maybe 2 episodes would be better.
fan service??? Not much more than any of the episodes. There's no nudity in the movie at all.
My dad watched Only Yesterday with me and he seemed to enjoy it. The problem was that he started telling all these boring stories of when he used to go to Japan regularly for business. Ghibli movies are the best to watch with people who arent into anime.
My brother will watch some Macross and he saw Full Metal Panic and enjoyed it but thats it for anime for my family.
My parents aren't to into anime, they both say it's a waste of time, but I remember back in the days when Anime came on Sci-Fi, my dad would be watching it when I got home from school. And I remember he stayed up one night to watch 8-Man Returns, but he denies it all.
As for watching anime with my parents in the room, I watch almost all at night, unless I have school, then it's before they (or atleast my mom) get home. Although I have watch the last 3 episodes of Berserk with my mom in the room, & I was surprized she didn't say anything.
As for my age & jobs, I'm not really the youngest anymore, I'll be 16 at the end of this month, & I believe there's a 15 year old still around here. And I MIGHT have a job next month. I'm hoping that I will, even though I'll have no time for anything. The way I see it, I'll divide my money. Making 70 bucks a week, I'll put 10 into anime savings, 20 into getting my first book published, 15 for me, & the little bit left goes into savings for college or whatever.
It's just the fact that Faye is on the ground, and her shirt gets cut open...yeah, dad might object to that. I think episodes like Perrier le' Fou (excuse my spelling ^.^) or Ballad of Fallen Angels would be a better start. If I can get him into anime, I'm good. I had to force my sister to watch one Ghibli movie (Laputa: Castle in the Sky) and she loved it. But when I rented Spirited Away, and both me and my friend told her it was great, she wouldn't watch it. She still screams and runs away when she hears the name today. :p

I could see where parents wouldn't be happy about a sinister looking guy who takes out a knife, stands over Faye and cuts her shirt open. Though, I did bring Cowboy Bebop the Movie to Anime Club (I'm president of all of three members) and Ms. Ladd the art teacher who hosts Anime Club... didn't really care. Which is surprising because she scolds any anime with fanservice or nudity... this may have something to do with the old president who brought in Ninja Scroll on the first meeting!
I was gonna joined the anime club in school but I realised that those shows that they show at the meetings....I've watched most of them already. I think that I have more anime than them....
The worst thing is, I finish class at 11am the day they are having meeting (3pm). Man..i dun want to stay in school for 4 hours, neither do I want to drive back to school. LAZY and I hate driving with the traffic...
My school doesn't have an Anime Club.
My city doesn't have an Anime Club.
I think I should start one. My friend and I have enough anime to last us a long time if we watch even like only an hour of each.
We have Trigun, Cowboy Bebop (and the movie), Escaflowne, RahXephon, Evangelion, Fushigi Yuugi (need the OAVs), FLCL, and the first R1 DVDs of Excel Saga and X.