CNN reoprted "The nation's largest online payment service, PayPal, is paying New York $150,000 in penalties after misrepresenting to consumers its policy on repayment when merchandise doesn't arrive, the state attorney general said Monday"
It's about time somebody does something about Paypal. There have been so many complaints about Paypal from both buyers and sellers alike, creating website like So many horror stories there. Ant of you have stories to share?
Apart from suffering the fees as an occasional eBay seller I haven't had anything go wrong. Yet. However, this doesn't mean I'm a fan.
Paypal sucks big time!!!
Hehe...I was conned out of $500+ abt 6 mths ago by an ebay seller. I bought sets of 'supposedly R1s", I did confirm with the seller before I bidded. When the sets came, !(*@&!%@!&$ they were all dvdrs. Only 1 set happened to be HK import.
I filed complaint with Paypal under "Item not as described". 2 days later, Paypal wrote back," We will take no action or refund your account because you did receive the item. Only when items do not arrive, we will try to help you recover the funds but we do not guarantee that there will be any refund. Have a good day." Then cancelled my complaint.
CRAP! "HAVE A GOOD DAY"! $500+ conned and told me to have a good day? Refusing to give up, I called customer service. "Sorry Miss, nothing we could do!"
I called my credit card company, gave them evidence that I sent back the items back to the seller. Credit card credited my account. No way am I going to pay $500+++ for 16 $1 dvdrs. Would you pay $500+++ for 16 DVDrs?
2 mths later, Paypal suspended my old account, saying that I have to pay them back the $500++. Hell with that, I just opened another account with another credit card and bank account. Pay them back? OVER MY DEAD BODY!!! Luckily, I've always withdrawn $$$ once I get them. Otherwise, Paypal will take those $$$ in the balance.
Another incident was, I think a year back, I wanted to buy the R1 Vampire Princess Ultimate Collection set. Same situation, seller said they were R1s. Came as DVD-Rs. Initially, I filed it under "Item not received" coz it was already one day to a mth and item had not arrived. When it arrived, I tried to file it under "item not as described". Paypal cancelled the complaint, "You can only file once, irregardless of what it is."
Same process with the credit card company and same procedure Paypal conducted.
If it is not for the convenience, I'll boycott Paypal. :mad:
Damn, you got some issues with them. Good thing that in the end they got screwed out of the $500 instead of you. Long live credit card companies.
On the other hand most of the problems are with the ebay seller. That's why I only order on ebay when I'm absolutely sure of what I'm going to get. I use ebay to get vcd's and dvd'r, so I won't get screwed to soon (unless they send me official material when I want copies:mad: )
Heh...el, I don't really care abt what Paypal does to my account. Can open new one anytime. :p You buy dvdrs on Ebay? Dohzzzz....I won't for sure. I can burn them myself on my dvd burner. I'm not going to pay $20 and shipping for 5 $1 dvdrs.
Ebay's just for me to buy R1s at a bargain if possible. Other than that, it's books ehhhh electronics or whatever...

I had my paypal account suspended, but it was because I screwed them out of money before they could do it to me > : - ). After I withdrew $300 from paypal about a week later they reversed the transaction and I withdrew the $300 again. They cought it and eventually closed my account, but I don't give a damn.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Heh...el, I don't really care abt what Paypal does to my account. Can open new one anytime. :p You buy dvdrs on Ebay? Dohzzzz....I won't for sure. I can burn them myself on my dvd burner. I'm not going to pay $20 and shipping for 5 $1 dvdrs.
Ebay's just for me to buy R1s at a bargain if possible. Other than that, it's books ehhhh electronics or whatever...
Well, I don't have a burner. I don't even have a PC (I'm at work earning money while posting hehe.) and I do want to see new shows like naruto so I try and buy those shows on vcd or dvdr. Still alot cheaper for me than buying the HK's and you get the new stuff right away without waiting on a company to have enough eps. to make a new set.
I need my own PC bad.
i'm sure you guys know that one, but just FYI for those who don't.
i personally hate paypal, but its what the general consensus use.
now if only JJ would implement a SS THAW cart system or some credit card processing company... hmm... :confused:
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Ebay's just for me to buy R1s at a bargain if possible. Other than that, it's books ehhhh electronics or whatever...
I'm with you. I try to get good deals on R1's. What sucks is that there are so many HK's floating around on Ebay that it's hard to find whose actually selling legit R1's without clicking on every single auction.
Thing that pisses me off about Paypal is that they started out as a free service and gained popularity that way. and then the minute they got big, they started charging fees because they knew they could. I haven't had any problems with them, but I still don't like that bait and switch they pulled on us.
yeah paypal fee's are pretty annoying already. and there are a lot of snakes selling on ebay as well. personally i usually list things the right way for people know if its hk or R1 and i dont sell dvd-r's either. also id rather buy vhs before a dvd-r in any case if the anime is on vhs. the only time i dont like getting hk's out of deals is if they are fx. in any case the world would be a much better place if ebay and paypal were not the primery auction monsters. but buyers really determine that not the sellers since its hard to sell on other auction sites heh.:o
Quote:Originally posted by justin
in any case the world would be a much better place if ebay and paypal were not the primery auction monsters. but buyers really determine that not the sellers since its hard to sell on other auction sites heh.:o
Well it's called first mover advantage or something like that. Basically Ebay was the first auction site and so people slowly started joining. and then by the time other sites started up, Ebay already had alot of members. So if someone new wanted to buy or sell something, of course they would go to the site that has more auctions listed and more members to bid on their stuff. So that way, Ebay kept getting bigger and bigger thus giving it an even bigger advantage over its competitors. It's going to be hard for any other site to ever compete with Ebay.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I'm with you. I try to get good deals on R1's. What sucks is that there are so many HK's floating around on Ebay that it's hard to find whose actually selling legit R1's without clicking on every single auction.
Thing that pisses me off about Paypal is that they started out as a free service and gained popularity that way. and then the minute they got big, they started charging fees because they knew they could. I haven't had any problems with them, but I still don't like that bait and switch they pulled on us.
Heh......I normally click on all the auctions to look at the pictures. If the pictures aren't there or do not indicate R1s, I msg the seller asking them of what Region Code are they. If I get the answer USA but playable worldwide, I forget it. Trying to trick me again......
Generally, I also look at the feedback. If they have less than 10 feedbacks or 0, I forget it too. No pt putting my money at risk. To det. whether it's R1s or others, I check out R1s anime website to check out the number of dvds the series have. If it is much lesser than what they are supposed to have, I generally do not bid too.
I seriously hate Paypal for their callousness in treating buyers and sellers. To me, they only seem to be interested in getting their money, that's all. It doesn't matter whether the seller/buyer is conned as long as they get their money. MONEY MONEY MONEY.....:mad:
I've never accidentally bought an HK off of there. Any time I've wanted R1's, I've gotten R1's. If you're careful and do a little bit of research, it's usually pretty easy not to get tricked. Also, if the price is too good to be true, then most likely it's not an R1.
I bought the second toriyama theater book from ebay. The seller said in the auction that the book was in japanese. I got in touch with him through email and he assured me that the book was in japanese. So I bid, I win and when it arrives the book is in Chinese. One of the only times I have ever really wanted to hurt another person.